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Sequoia PGP

Sequoia is a cool new OpenPGP implementation. It consists of several crates, providing both a low-level and a high-level API for dealing with OpenPGP data.

Low-level API

The low-level API can be found in the openpgp crate. This crate aims to provide a complete implementation of OpenPGP as defined by RFC 4880 as well as several extensions (e.g., RFC 6637, which describes ECC cryptography for OpenPGP, and RFC 4880bis, the draft of the next OpenPGP standard). This includes support for unbuffered message processing.

The openpgp crate tries hard to avoid dictating how OpenPGP should be used. This doesn't mean that we don't have opinions about how OpenPGP should be used in a number of common scenarios (for instance, message validation). But, in this crate, we refrain from expressing those opinions; we expose an opinionated, high-level interface in the sequoia-core and related crates. In our opinion, you should generally use those crates instead of this one.

High-level API

The high-level API can be found in the sequoia crate, which conveniently includes all the other crates. The high-level API include a public key store, and network access routines.

Please note that as of this writing the high-level API is very incomplete.

Command line interface

Sequoia includes a simple frontend sq (crate tool) that can be used to experiment with Sequoia and OpenPGP. It is also an example of how to use various aspects of Sequoia.

Foreign Function Interface

Sequoia provides a C API for use in languages other than Rust. The glue code for the low-level interface can be found in the 'sequoia-openpgp-ffi' crate, glue for the high-level interface in the 'sequoia-ffi' crate.

Project status

The low-level API is quite feature-complete and can be used encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify messages. It can create, inspect, and manipulate OpenPGP data on a very low-level.

The high-level API is effectively non-existent, though there is some functionality related to key servers and key stores.

The foreign function interface provides a C API for some of Sequoia's low- and high-level interfaces, but it is incomplete.

There is a mostly feature-complete command-line verification tool for detached messages called 'sqv'.


Sequoia is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. See the file LICENSE.txt or visit for details.

Using Sequoia

If you want to use Sequoia from Rust, you can simply register the dependency in your Cargo.toml file as with any other project.

sequoia-openpgp = "*"

Note that we depend on a number of C libraries, which must be present along with their development packages. See Requirements section below.

Besides being a Rust crate, we also provide a C API, and bindings to other languages, see Bindings.


Sequoia is currently supported on a variety of platforms.


By default it uses the Nettle cryptographic library (version 3.4.1 or up) but it can be used with different cryptographic backends. At the time of writing, it also supports the native Windows Cryptographic API: Next Generation (CNG).

Various backends can be enabled via Cargo features, e.g. crypto-nettle or crypto-cng and exactly one can be enabled at a time.

Currently, the crypto-nettle feature is enabled by default - regardless of the operating system used. If you choose to enable a different backend, please make sure to disable the default first.


To use the Windows CNG backend, use:

# Cargo.toml
sequoia-openpgp = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = ["crypto-cng"] }
# When building locally
$ cargo build --manifest-path=openpgp/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features crypto-cng


If you are developing a crate that depends on Sequoia, please ensure the users can opt into different backends. This is done by:

  • disabling default features for sequoia-openpgp
  • providing top-level features for your crate that correspond to crypto-* ones in sequoia-openpgp
  • (Optionally) Select one by default yourself

Like so:

# Cargo.toml
sequoia-openpgp = { version = "*", default-features = false }
# Pick a Sequoia backend enabled by default
default = ["seqouia-openpgp/crypto-nettle"]
# .. but allow others to select a different backend, as well
crypto-cng = ["sequoia-openpgp/crypto-cng"]
crypto-nettle = ["sequoia-openpgp/crypto-nettle"]

Once Cargo target-specific default features are implemented, it will be possible to automatically select a backend depending on the operating system used.


By default, Sequoia supports compression via flate2 and bzip2 crates, enabled by compression-deflate and compression-bzip2 Cargo features respectively (also available via compression shorthand feature).

Building Sequoia

Using cargo

To build all Sequoia components, simply execute cargo build [--release] --all. Individual components may be built independently, e.g. to build sq, run cargo build [--release] -p sequoia-sq, or build sequoia-openpgp-ffi to build a shared object with the C API.

Using the Makefile

We also consider the needs of packagers in times where distribution support for packaging Rust projects is not yet mature enough to handle a project like Sequoia. Therefore, we provide a Makefile to simplify building, testing, and installing Sequoia.

To build Sequoia, simply execute make. To run the test suites, execute make test (or use the check alias). To install Sequoia, use make install. The latter target honors PREFIX and DESTDIR. Finally, to return your source tree to its pristine state, run make clean.

You can specify subdirectories to build individual modules, e.g. use make -Copenpgp-ffi install to only install the shared object with the C API.

Note: By default the Python FFI bindings are also built. To skip these add PYTHON=disable to all make invocations. E.g. make PYTHON=disable.


To build Sequoia, you need at least Rust 1.46 and a few libraries, notably the Nettle cryptographic library version 3.4.1 or up. Please see below for OS-specific commands to install the needed libraries:


$ sudo apt install git rustc cargo clang libclang1-9 make pkg-config nettle-dev libssl-dev capnproto libsqlite3-dev


  • You need at least rustc version 1.46. The version in Debian 10 (Buster) is too old. The version from Debian 11 (Bullseye) works fine.
  • You need at least Nettle 3.4.1. Both the versions in Debian 10 (Buster) and Debian 11 (Bullseye) are fine.

Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S git cargo clang make pkg-config nettle openssl capnproto sqlite3 --needed


$ sudo dnf install git rustc cargo clang make pkg-config nettle-devel openssl-devel capnproto sqlite-devel

macOS (Mojave), using MacPorts

$ sudo port install cargo rust capnproto nettle pkgconfig coreutils


Please make sure to preserve line-endings when cloning the Sequoia repository. The relevant git option is core.autocrlf which must be set to false.


You can install the needed libraries with the following command:

$ pacboy -S base-devel toolchain:x clang:x bzip2:x nettle:x sqlite3:x capnproto:x

Due to Gitlab's Windows Shared Runners being somewhat slow, we only run them automatically for MRs, which contain windows in the branch name. Please name your branch accordingly when contributing a patch which might affect Windows.


To build Sequoia, you need to have capnp tool installed.

Only the native Windows Cryptographic API (CNG) is supported, see Using Sequoia (Cryptography) section above.

When building, make sure to disable default features (to disable Nettle) and enable the CNG via crypto-cng Cargo feature:

$ cargo build --no-default-features --features crypto-cng,compression # Only change crypto backend



The FFI crate contains Python bindings. To disable building, testing, and installing the Python bindings, use make PYTHON=disable.

To build the Python bindings, you will need the Python headers, setuptools, cffi, and pytest for Python3.


$ sudo apt install python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-cffi python3-pytest


$ sudo dnf install python3-devel python3-setuptools python3-cffi python3-pytest

macOS (Mojave), using MacPorts

$ sudo port install py37-setuptools


# pkg install capnproto coreutils gmake lang/rust llvm nettle pkgconf py37-setuptools python3 sqlite

Getting help

Sequoia's documentation is hosted here:

The guide is hosted here:

You can join our mailing list by sending a mail to [email protected].

You can talk to us using IRC on freenode in #sequoia.

Reporting bugs

Please report bug and feature requests to our bugtracker. Please report security vulnerabilities to [email protected], preferably encrypted using OpenPGP. The certificate for this address can be found on our web site, via WKD, and on the keyserver.