This a package to calculate some properties of the air and to do some calculations on solar equipments.
To run this tool you'll need Wolfram Mathematica software installed. With a project created, you need to put the SolarCalculus.wl file on the storage. Locate the right folder using this code:
SystemOpen[FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]]
After that, create a folder called SolarCalculus and put the SolarCalculus.wl in it. After that, import the package with the following code:
That's all. Now you are able to use functions of this package.
airViscosity[x] gives the air kinematic viscosity [Units in Pa*s] calculated from power law | x is equal to the temperature in Kelvins
airThermalConductivity[x] gives the air Thermal Conductivity [Units in W/(m*K)] calculated from Kannuluik, WG and Carman, EH's equations | x is equal to the temperature in Kelvins
airDensity[x,y,z] gives the air density [Units in kg/m³] calculated from Tetens Equation | x is equal to the temperature in Kelvins, y is atmospheric pressure and z the relative humidity
airHeatSpecificCapacity[x] gives the air Heat Specific Capacity [Units in J/(kg*K)] calculated from Asano-Mass Transfer | x is equal to the temperature in Kelvins
airRelativeHumidity[x,y] gives the air Heat Specific Capacity [Units in %] calculated from Tetens Equation | x is equal to the temperature in Kelvins and y the dew point in Kelvins
solarHourAngle[x] calculates the angle value from a given hour | x is the hour from 0 to 23
solarHourAngle[x] calculates the angle value from a given hour | x is the hour from 0 to 23
equationOfTime[x] calculates the equation of time in a given day number
Corrects the hour according to longitude | use as follows [hour,longitude_,GMT, day number]
Corrects the hour according to number's day on the year | use as follows [day number]
calculate the solar altitude according to the hour | use as follows [latitude,day number,hour,longitude,GMT]
Estimates the normal extraterrestrial solar radiation | use as follows [day number]
Estimates the horizontal extraterrestrial solar radiation | use as follows [latitude,day number,hora,longitude,GMT]
Estimates the relation between global solar radiation and extraterrestrial solar radiation | use as follows [radglobhorizontal_,day number]
Calculates the Erbs correlation based on clearness index | use as follows [radglobhorizontal,day number]
Calculates the fraction of diffuse solar radiation | use as follows [radglobhorizontal,day number]
Calculates the fraction of direct solar radiation | use as follows [radglobhorizontal,day number]
Calculates cosθ for North Latitudes | use as follows [day number,hora,GMT,latitude,longitude,inclination]
Calculates cosθz for North Latitudes | use as follows [day number,hora,GMT,latitude,longitude,inclination]
Calculates the RB Factor (cosθ/cosθz) | use as follows [day number,hora,GMT,latitude,longitude,inclination]
Calculates the solar radiation on a inclined surface for Latitude North and Azimute 0 or 180 | use as follows [radglobhorizontal_,day number_,hora_,GMT_,latitude_,longitude_,inclination_,al_]