project demo visit this vercel demo link
- Next Js Tailwind template
- Google Analytic Setting
- Static sitemap Generator
- Customize data responsive Layout
- SEO meta social sharing
- yarn install
- yarn dev
- yarn start
- yarn build
for static images, icon, thumbnail see the public root folder in the project
image: {
ratio: {
width: '960',
height: '540'
url: '/critter.svg' -> check public folder
- open folder content
- open file homepage
Varialble | Mandatory | Value |
title | yes | String |
description | yes | Array, new index = new paragraph |
image | no | Image Object |
- open folder content
- open file portofolio
Varialble | Mandatory | Value |
title | No | String |
description | yes | Array String, new index = new paragraph |
data | yes | Array Object (type: image, and video) |
desc_position | no | String, left or right |
- open folder content
- open file homepage
Varialble | Mandatory | Value |
title | yes | String |
image | no | Image Object |
list | yes | Array Object, new index = new paragraph |
- open folder content
- open file portofolio
Varialble | Mandatory | Value |
title | yes | String |
description | yes | String |
url | yes | String, (website domain) |
site_name | yes | String |
link_image | yes | String, (website domain image that will show when shared) |
- open folder content
- open file constant
- change data id with your Google Analytics ID
- open folder content
- open file constant
- change data website_url with your domain url