A visual interface for computer filesystems and command-line utilities.
Each display is designed with a small border to convey pertinent meta information, a large area to display requested data, and touchable "buttons" to interact with the interface.
Milestone goals are as follows.
- navigate an entire file structure using the "Table" display
- read any text file with the "Text" display
- display the contents of any binary file with the "Bin" display
- launch, background, and terminate executable script files
- run special python modules to display data in a customized way
CUARS uses standard Python libraries to navigate a filesystem and retrieve information about the files, computer, user, and processes. Functions that are not cross-platform are avoided. CUARS is like virtual terminal without a keyboard.
Functionality beyond basic file navigation and operation is provided by special submodules that start programs in the background and retrieve information to CUARS for display, accept input via buttons pressed in the CUARS interface, and terminate when told to.
Tkinter test modules require Tkinter. Direct rendering modules require Pillow.