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Professor of School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology

Rm 418, Transportation Building, South China University of Technology, Wushan, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China

Research Interests

Create intelligent agents to sense, understand, and reason the complicated construction activity and environment, making management and construction easier.

Here are some videos showing what I had completed:

In Chinese:

  1. 2020,

In English:

  1. 2018,

  2. 2018,

  3. 2019,

  4. 2020,


FromTo Degree
12/2007-11/2010 Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Building & Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
09/2003-07/2006 Master of Engineering (Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering), Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
09/1997-07/2001 Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering), Department of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.

Working Experience

FromTo Position
12/2020-12/2021 Principal Research Fellow, Department of Building & Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
03/2013-11/2020 Senior Research Fellow, Department of Building & Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
11/2016-12/2016 Visiting Scholar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA.
01/2011-02/2013 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Building & Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
09/2006-11/2007 Research Assistant, Department of Building & Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Teaching Experience

FromTo Course
09/2012-01/2013 BRE470 - Information Technology and Building Information Modelling for Construction, Department of Building & Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Research Projects

FromTo Project
01/12/2020-30/11/2022 A computer vision-enabled digital twin for construction resource and progress management (ITP/018/20LP). ITSP Tier 1, Platform.
01/06/2018-30/11/2020 Enabling Technologies based on Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Better Quality Management on Construction Sites (ITP/020/18LP). ITSP Tier 1, Platform.
01/06/2016-31/05/2018 Smart Construction Platform Based on Cloud BIM and Image Processing (ITP/002/16LP). ITSP Tier 1, Platform.
31/03/2014-30/03/2015 Automated Construction Progress Tracking Using Real-time Locations of Labor Crew (ITP/004/14LI). ITSP Tier 1, Collaborative.
01/01/2013-31/10/2014 Location-based Technologies for Asset Tracking and Risk Management (ITP/036/12LP). ITSP Tier 1, Platform.
01/07/2012-31/07/2014 Visualization of Construction Dynamics of Metro Projects Based on Process Information (2012BAK24B0103). Sub-project of National Programs for Science and Technology, China.

Journal Papers

  1. Gu, W., Mei, Y., Chen, H., Xuan, Y., Luo, X. (2021). “An integrated intersection design for promoting bus and car traffic”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128, 103211.

  2. Fang, X., Jiang, S., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Luo, X.* (2021). “Density-based spatial clustering and discriminative modeling for automatic recognition and localization of cast-in hoist rings”. Automation in Construction, 125, 103658.

  3. Wu, Z., Jiang, M., Li, H., Luo, X., Li, X. (2021). “Investigating the critical factors of professionals’ BIM adoption behavior based on the theory of planned behavior”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), pp. 1–19, 3022.

  4. Yu, Y., Li, H., Cao, J., Luo, X. (2021). “Three-Dimensional Working Pose Estimation in Industrial Scenarios with Monocular Camera”. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(3), pp. 1740–1748, 9162117.

  5. Dai, F., Olorunfemi, A., Peng, W., Cao, D., Luo, X. (2021). “Can mixed reality enhance safety communication on construction sites? An industry perspective”. Safety Science, 133, 105009.

  6. Li, H., Luo, X., Skitmore, M. (2020). “Intelligent Hoisting with Car-Like Mobile Robots. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management”, 146(12), 04020136.

  7. Liu, H., Wang, G., Huang, T., ...Skitmore, M., Luo, X. * (2020). “Manifesting construction activity scenes via image captioning”. Automation in Construction, 119, 103334.

  8. Fang, Q., Li, H., Luo, X., Li, C., An, W. (2020). “A sematic and prior-knowledge-aided monocular localization method for construction-related entities”. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 35(9), pp. 979–996.

  9. Luo, X., Li, H., Yu, Y., Zhou, C., and Cao, D. (2020). “Combining Deep Features and Activity Context to Improve Recognition of Activities of Workers in Groups." Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 35(9), pp. 965–978.

  10. Han, S., Li, H., Li, M. & Luo, X. (2019). “Measuring Rock Surface Strength Based on Spectrograms with Deep Convolutional Networks”, Computers and Geosciences, 133.

  11. Li, X., Li, H., Cao, D., Tang, Y., Luo, X. & Wang, G. (2019). “Modeling Dynamics of Project-Based Collaborative Networks for Bim Implementation in the Construction Industry: Empirical Study in Hong Kong.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(12), 05019013.

  12. Li, H., Wang, D., Chen, J., Luo, X., Li, J. & Xing, X. (2019). “Pre-Service Fatigue Screening for Construction Workers through Wearable Eeg-Based Signal Spectral Analysis.” Automation in Construction, 106.

  13. Luo, X., Li, H., Wang, H., Wu, Z., Dai, F., and Cao, D. (2019). "Vision-based detection and visualization of dynamic workspaces." Automation in Construction, 104, 1-13.

  14. Wang, H., Pan, Y., and Luo, X. (2019). "Integration of BIM and GIS in sustainable built environment: A review and bibliometric analysis." Automation in Construction, 103, 41-52.

  15. Wu, Z., Li, H., Feng, Y., Luo, X., and Chen, Q. (2019). “Developing a Green Building Evaluation Standard for Interior Decoration: A Case Study of China.” Building and Environment, 152, 50-58.

  16. Yu, Y., Yang, X., Li, H., Luo, X., Guo, H., and Fang, Q. (2019). “Joint-Level Vision-Based Ergonomic Assessment Tool for Construction Workers.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(5), 04019025.

  17. Luo, X., Li, H., Yang, X., Yu, Y., and Cao, D. “Capturing and Understanding Workers’ Activities in Long Surveillance Videos with Deep Learning and Bayesian Nonparametric Learning.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 0 (2018).

  18. Yang, X., Li, H, Yu, Y., Luo, X., Huang, T., and Yang, X. (2018). “Automatic pixel-level crack detection and measurement using fully convolutional network.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 0 (2018).

  19. Luo, X., Li, H., Cao, D., Yu, Y., Yang, X. & Huang, T. (2018). “Towards Efficient and Objective Work Sampling: Recognizing Workers' Activities in Site Surveillance Videos with Two-Stream Convolutional Networks”, Automation in Construction, 94, 360-370.

  20. Fang, Q., Li, H., Luo, X., Ding, L., Luo, H. & Li, C. (2018), Computer Vision Aided Inspection on Falling Prevention Measures for Steeplejacks in an Aerial Environment, Automation in Construction, 93, 148-164.

  21. Luo, X., Li, H., Cao, D., Dai, F., Seo, J., and Lee, S. (2018). "Recognizing Diverse Construction Activities in Site Images via Relevance Networks of Construction-Related Objects Detected by Convolutional Neural Networks." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32(3): 04018012.

  22. Dong, C., Li, H., Luo, X., Ding, L., Siebert, J., and Luo, H. (2018). "Proactive struck-by risk detection with movement patterns and randomness." Automation in Construction, 91, 246-255.

  23. Cao, D., Li, H., Wang, G., Luo, X. (corresponding author), and Tan, D. (2018). "Relationship Network Structure and Organizational Competitiveness: Evidence from BIM Implementation Practices in the Construction Industry." Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(3): 04018005.

  24. Fang, Q., Li, H., Luo, X., Ding, L., Luo, H., Rose, T. M., and An, W. (2018a). "Detecting non-hardhat-use by a deep learning method from far-field surveillance videos." Automation in Construction, 85, 1-9.

  25. Fang, Q., Li, H., Luo, X., Ding, L., Rose, T. M., An, W., and Yu, Y. (2018b). "A deep learning-based method for detecting non-certified work on construction sites." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 35, 56-68.

  26. Luo, X., Li, H., Dai, F., Cao, D., Yang, X., and Guo, H. (2017). "Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Worker Response to Proximity Warnings of Construction Safety Hazards: Toward Constant Review of Safety Risk Control Measures." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(6).

  27. Cao, D., Li, H., Wang, G., Luo, X., Yang, X., and Tan, D. (2017). "Dynamics of Project-Based Collaborative Networks for BIM Implementation: Analysis Based on Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models." Journal of Management in Engineering, 33(3).

  28. Li, H., Li, X., Luo, X., and Siebert, J. (2017). "Investigation of the causality patterns of non-helmet use behavior of construction workers." Automation in Construction, 80, 95-103.

  29. Yang, X., Luo, X., Li, H., Luo, X., and Guo, H. (2017). "Location-based measurement and visualization for interdependence network on construction sites." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 34, 36-45.

  30. Kong, L., Li, H., Luo, H., Lieyun, D., Luo, X., and Skitmore, M. (2017). "Optimal single-machine batch scheduling for the manufacture, transportation and JIT assembly of precast construction with changeover costs within due dates." Automation in Construction, 81, 34-43.

  31. Luo, X., Li, H., Huang, T., and Rose, T. (2016a). "A field experiment of workers' responses to proximity warnings of static safety hazards on construction sites." Safety Science, 84, 216-224.

  32. Luo, X., Li, H., Huang, T., and Skitmore, M. (2016b). "Quantifying Hazard Exposure Using Real-Time Location Data of Construction Workforce and Equipment." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(8).

  33. Li, H., Chan, G., Huang, T., Skitmore, M., Tao, T. Y. E., Luo, X., Chung, J., Chan, X. S., and Li, Y. F. (2015). "Chirp-spread-spectrum-based real time location system for construction safety management: A case study." Automation in Construction, 55, 58-65.

  34. Wong, J. K. W., Li, H., Chan, G., Wang, H., Huang, T., Luo, X., and Li, V. (2014b). "Virtual prototyping for construction site Co2 emissions and hazard detection." International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11(1), 1.

  35. Wong, J. K. W., Li, H., Wang, H., Huang, T., Luo, X., and Li, V. (2013). "Toward low-carbon construction processes: The visualisation of predicted emission via virtual prototyping technology." Automation in Construction, 33, 72-78.

  36. Fan, S., Shen, Q., Luo, X., and Xue, X. (2013). "Comparative study of traditional and group decision support-supported value management workshops." Journal of Management in Engineering, 29(4), 345-354.

  37. Luo, X., Shen, G. Q., Fan, S., and Xue, X. (2011). "A group decision support system for implementing value management methodology in construction briefing." International Journal of Project Management, 29(8), 1003-1017.

  38. Fan, S. C., Shen, Q. P., and Luo, X. (2010). "Group decision support systems in value management." Construction Management and Economics, 28(8), 827-838.

  39. Luo, X., Shen, G. Q., and Fan, S. (2010). "A case-based reasoning system for using functional performance specification in the briefing of building projects." Automation in Construction, 19(6), 725-733.

  40. Luo, X. and Shen, G. Q. (2008). "A Computer-Aided FPS-Oriented Approach for Construction Briefing." Tsinghua Science and Technology, 13 (s1), 292-297.

  41. Ma, Z., Luo, X. and Li, Z. (2016). “A review of web-based construction management systems.” China Civil Engineering Journal, 39(10), 117-121. (In Chinese).

Conference Papers

  1. Yang, X., Li, H., Wang, F., Luo, X., & Cao, D. (2016). “Using Switching State-Space Model to Identify Work States Based on Movement Data.” Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate*.* Dec 14-17, 2016, Hong Kong.

  2. Wong, J. K. W., Li, H., Chan, G., Wang, H., Huang, T., and Luo, X. "An integrated 5D tool for quantification of construction process emissions and accident identification." Proc., 31st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining, ISARC 2014 - Proceedings, 393-397.

  3. Luo, X. and Shen, Q.P. (2009). A Case-Based Reasoning System to Facilitate the Use of Functional Performance Specification at the Briefing Stage of Building Projects. Proceedings of SAVE International 49th Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan USA.

  4. Luo, X. and Shen, Q.P. (2009). A Case-Based Reasoning Supported Cooperative System for Construction Briefing. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, Beijing China, 675-680.

  5. Luo, X., Albert P.C. Chan, Shen, Q.P. (2008). Client Briefing from a Wicked Problem Perspective. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction, Beijing, China, 163, abstract only.

  6. Luo, X. and Shen, Q.P. (2008). A Recommendation System for Using Functional Performance Specification in Construction Briefing. Proceedings of the 9th International Value Management Conference, Hong Kong, China, 190-197.

  7. Luo, X., Shen, Q.P. and Tang, L.Y.N. (2008). A Value Management Framework for the Wicked Briefing Process. Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Value Management in Greater China, Hong Kong, China, 151-158.

  8. Ma, Z.L., Luo, X., and Li, H. (2006). The Web-based Collaborative Management of Shop Drawings in Construction Projects. INCITE/ITCSED, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, 377-389.

  9. Ma, Z.L. and Luo, X. (2005). A Study on Modeling of Drawing Document Management System for Multi-party in Construction Projects. Proceedings of the 8th National Construction Industry Academic Meeting of Informationlization and Multimedia Aided Engineering, Chengde, Hebei, China, 221-228 (in Chinese).

  10. Ma, Z.L., Qin, L., and Luo, X. (2004). An Information Management System Framework of Cooperative Design Projects. Application of Computer Technology in Construction Administration, 322-326 (in Chinese).

Keynote Speeches

  1. Smart Construction Research and Practice”, Construction Management Forum 2021, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.

  2. Smart Construction”, Liyan Forum 2018, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

  3. Location-based Technologies for Asset Tracking and Risk Management”, LSCM (Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre) Summit 2015, Science Park, Hong Kong.


  1. Scientific Committee Member, CIB W78 2019 Conference: “ICT in Design, Construction and Management in Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO).” Northumbria University at Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, 18-20 September 2019.

  2. Scientific Committee Member, CIB W78 2018 Conference: “IT in Design, Construction, Management.” Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, US, 01-03 October, 2018.

  3. Program Committee Member, LC3 2017: “Lean and Computing in Construction Congress.” Heraklion, Greece.

  4. Journal reviewer of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Automation in Construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, and Journal of Management in Engineering.

  5. Professional Member (07/2011-Present). The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling (BIM).

  6. Student Member (2008-2010), The Hong Kong Institute of Value Management.


  1. 2018 Best Paper Award of Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering: Luo, X., Li, H., Cao, D., Dai, F., Seo, J., and Lee, S. (2018). "Recognizing Diverse Construction Activities in Site Images via Relevance Networks of Construction-Related Objects Detected by Convolutional Neural Networks." JCCE, 32(3): 04018012.

  2. 2019 Gold Medal in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva, Switzerland: Luo, X., Li, H (2019). “Pi: A Vision-Based Smart Construction Management Solution.”

  3. 2018 Outstanding reviewer of Automation in Construction.

  4. 2015 Merit Award Winner, Innovation Achiever’s Award, CIOB International Innovation & Research Award: Luo, X., Li, H and Ye, B. “Pro-active Construction Management System.”

  5. 2010 Distinction Award of Tony Toy Memorial Award at the 10th International Value Management Conference, Hong Kong Institute of Value Management.

  6. 2005 Best Paper of the 8th National Construction Industry Academic Meeting of Informationlization and Multimedia Aided Engineering, Chengde, Hebei, China: Ma, Z.L. and Luo, X. (2005). “A Study on Modeling of Drawing Document Management System for Multi-party in Construction Projects.” 221-228 (in Chinese).


Personal website of Eric Xiaochun LUO






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