v2.0.3 updates #332
on: pull_request
Matrix: build
Matrix: test
Matrix: e2e-test
23 errors, 11 warnings, and 6 notices
[integrations] › integrations/summarizer.spec.ts:69:5 › 测试 @cf/qwen/qwen1.5-1.8b-chat 模型的AI总结结果:
1) [integrations] › integrations/summarizer.spec.ts:69:5 › 测试 @cf/qwen/qwen1.5-1.8b-chat 模型的AI总结结果
Error: expect(received).toMatch(expected)
Expected pattern: /主播|日本VTuber|日本vtuber|vtuber/
Received string: "与观众的互动内容包括:
1. 对观众的问候和早上好,表示欢迎并询问观众今天吃了什么。
2. 回答观众关于麦当劳新品的话题,指出是最近很热门的新品,并询问观众是否记得。
3. 讨论了久违的出门情况,表示平时都是宅在家里的,但今天去了漫展,看到很多人,观众对此表示社恐。
4. 回答观众关于长大和外出的话题,表示自己长大了,但意外地没有社恐,反而感到意外。
5. 讨论了买了很多东西,包括插画、手办和周边等,表示花费了大量金钱,但觉得值得。
6. 回答观众关于蟑螂的话题,表示看到蟑螂的尸体后心情不好,但与观众谈完后心情有所好转。
7. 表达感谢观众的陪伴,并期待下次再见。
8. 表达再见,最后以“下次再见啦”结束对话。"
50 |
51 | const maybe = expect.configure({ soft: true })
> 52 | maybe(res).toMatch(/主播|日本VTuber|日本vtuber|vtuber/)
| ^
53 | maybe(res).toMatch(/直播|观众/)
54 |
55 | if (!trash) {
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/integrations/summarizer.spec.ts:52:20
[edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
1) [edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ─────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeAttached()
Locator: locator('#jimaku-full-area')
Expected: attached
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeAttached with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('#jimaku-full-area')
469 |
470 | const area = p.locator('#jimaku-full-area')
> 471 | await expect(area).toBeAttached()
| ^
472 |
473 | const subtitleList = area.locator('#subtitle-list')
474 | await expect(subtitleList).toBeVisible()
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/jimaku.spec.ts:471:24
[chrome] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Test timeout of 120000ms exceeded.
[edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
1) [edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ─────────────────────────────────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeAttached()
Locator: locator('#jimaku-full-area')
Expected: attached
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeAttached with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('#jimaku-full-area')
469 |
470 | const area = p.locator('#jimaku-full-area')
> 471 | await expect(area).toBeAttached()
| ^
472 |
473 | const subtitleList = area.locator('#subtitle-list')
474 | await expect(subtitleList).toBeVisible()
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/jimaku.spec.ts:471:24
[edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
1) [edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ─────────────────────────────────────
Retry #2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeAttached()
Locator: locator('#jimaku-full-area')
Expected: attached
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeAttached with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('#jimaku-full-area')
469 |
470 | const area = p.locator('#jimaku-full-area')
> 471 | await expect(area).toBeAttached()
| ^
472 |
473 | const subtitleList = area.locator('#subtitle-list')
474 | await expect(subtitleList).toBeVisible()
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/jimaku.spec.ts:471:24
[chrome] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: locator.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- waiting for getByTitle('查看源代码')
- locator resolved to <button title="查看源代码" type="button" class="relative align-middle select-none font-sans font-medium text-center uppercase transition-all disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none disabled:pointer-events-none w-12 max-w-[48px] h-12 max-h-[48px] text-sm text-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-900/10 active:bg-gray-900/20 rounded-full shadow-md bg-white">…</button>
- attempting click action
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class="bili-mini-mask fade-enter-active fade-enter-to">…</div> from <body class="supportWebp risk-captcha-adapt-pc risk-captcha-adapt">…</body> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action, attempt #1
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class="bili-mini-mask">…</div> from <body class="supportWebp risk-captcha-adapt-pc risk-captcha-adapt">…</body> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action, attempt #2
- waiting 20ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class="bili-mini-mask">…</div> from <body class="supportWebp risk-captcha-adapt-pc risk-captcha-adapt">…</body> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action, attempt #3
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #4
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #5
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #6
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #7
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #8
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #9
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #10
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #11
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scro
[edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
1) [edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ─────────────────────────────────────
Retry #3 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeAttached()
Locator: locator('#jimaku-full-area')
Expected: attached
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeAttached with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('#jimaku-full-area')
469 |
470 | const area = p.locator('#jimaku-full-area')
> 471 | await expect(area).toBeAttached()
| ^
472 |
473 | const subtitleList = area.locator('#subtitle-list')
474 | await expect(subtitleList).toBeVisible()
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/jimaku.spec.ts:471:24
[chrome] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: browserContext.waitForEvent: Target page, context or browser has been closed
367 | await button.click()
368 | await content.locator('#bjf-main-menu').waitFor({ state: 'visible' })
> 369 | let popup = context.waitForEvent('page', { predicate: p => p.url().includes('github.com') })
| ^
370 | await content.getByTitle('查看源代码').click()
371 | const p1 = await popup
372 |
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/content.spec.ts:369:25
[edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
1) [edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ─────────────────────────────────────
Retry #4 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeAttached()
Locator: locator('#jimaku-full-area')
Expected: attached
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeAttached with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('#jimaku-full-area')
469 |
470 | const area = p.locator('#jimaku-full-area')
> 471 | await expect(area).toBeAttached()
| ^
472 |
473 | const subtitleList = area.locator('#subtitle-list')
474 | await expect(subtitleList).toBeVisible()
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/jimaku.spec.ts:471:24
[chrome] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
2) [chrome] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ───────────────────────────────────
Error: apiRequestContext.get: socket hang up
Call log:
- → GET https://api.live.bilibili.com/room/v1/Room/room_init?id=30505003
- user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/130.0.6723.31 Safari/537.36
- accept: */*
- accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,br
- cookie: LIVE_BUVID=AUTO5617298511748216
at helpers/bilibili-api.ts:55
53 | const release = await this.mutex.acquire()
54 | try {
> 55 | const res = await this.context.get(path)
| ^
56 | if (!res.ok()) throw new Error(`获取bilibili API失败:${res.statusText()}`)
57 | return await res.json()
58 | } finally {
at BilbiliApi.fetch (/home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/helpers/bilibili-api.ts:55:44)
at BilbiliApi.getRoomStatus (/home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/helpers/bilibili-api.ts:70:22)
at BilibiliPage.isStatus (/home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/helpers/bilibili-page.ts:65:16)
at RoomTypeFinder.getRoomType (/home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/helpers/room-finder.ts:51:17)
at RoomTypeFinder.findRoomType (/home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/helpers/room-finder.ts:97:30)
at RoomTypeFinder.findRoomTypeWithCache (/home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/helpers/room-finder.ts:130:22)
at Object.exports.test._extension.extensionBase.extend.themeRoom.timeout (/home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/fixtures/content.ts:53:26)
[chrome] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
2) [chrome] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ───────────────────────────────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeAttached()
Locator: locator('#jimaku-full-area')
Expected: attached
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeAttached with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('#jimaku-full-area')
469 |
470 | const area = p.locator('#jimaku-full-area')
> 471 | await expect(area).toBeAttached()
| ^
472 |
473 | const subtitleList = area.locator('#subtitle-list')
474 | await expect(subtitleList).toBeVisible()
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/jimaku.spec.ts:471:24
[chrome] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在:
2) [chrome] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ───────────────────────────────────
Retry #2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeAttached()
Locator: locator('#jimaku-full-area')
Expected: attached
Received: <element(s) not found>
Call log:
- expect.toBeAttached with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('#jimaku-full-area')
469 |
470 | const area = p.locator('#jimaku-full-area')
> 471 | await expect(area).toBeAttached()
| ^
472 |
473 | const subtitleList = area.locator('#subtitle-list')
474 | await expect(subtitleList).toBeVisible()
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/jimaku.spec.ts:471:24
[chrome] › features/recorder.spec.ts:101:5 › 測試截圖:
3) [chrome] › features/recorder.spec.ts:101:5 › 測試截圖 ─────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: expect(received).toBeLessThanOrEqual(expected)
Expected: <= 1080
Received: 1280
116 |
117 | expect(info.width).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1920)
> 118 | expect(info.height).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1080)
| ^
119 |
120 | expect(info.width).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(854)
121 | expect(info.height).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(480)
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/recorder.spec.ts:118:25
[chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Test timeout of 120000ms exceeded.
[chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: locator.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- waiting for getByTitle('查看源代码')
- locator resolved to <button title="查看源代码" type="button" class="relative align-middle select-none font-sans font-medium text-center uppercase transition-all disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none disabled:pointer-events-none w-12 max-w-[48px] h-12 max-h-[48px] text-sm text-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-900/10 active:bg-gray-900/20 rounded-full shadow-md bg-white">…</button>
- attempting click action
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #1
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #2
- waiting 20ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #3
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class="bili-mini-mask fade-leave-active fade-leave-to">…</div> from <body class="lite-room supportWebp risk-captcha-adapt-pc risk-captcha-adapt">…</body> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action, attempt #4
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #5
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #6
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #7
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #8
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #9
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #10
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #11
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #12
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #13
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
[chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: browserContext.waitForEvent: Target page, context or browser has been closed
367 | await button.click()
368 | await content.locator('#bjf-main-menu').waitFor({ state: 'visible' })
> 369 | let popup = context.waitForEvent('page', { predicate: p => p.url().includes('github.com') })
| ^
370 | await content.getByTitle('查看源代码').click()
371 | const p1 = await popup
372 |
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/content.spec.ts:369:25
[chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Test timeout of 120000ms exceeded.
[chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: locator.click: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- waiting for getByTitle('查看源代码')
- locator resolved to <button title="查看源代码" type="button" class="relative align-middle select-none font-sans font-medium text-center uppercase transition-all disabled:opacity-50 disabled:shadow-none disabled:pointer-events-none w-12 max-w-[48px] h-12 max-h-[48px] text-sm text-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-900/10 active:bg-gray-900/20 rounded-full shadow-md bg-white">…</button>
- attempting click action
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #1
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #2
- waiting 20ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #3
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class="bili-mini-mask fade-leave fade-leave-active">…</div> from <body class="lite-room supportWebp risk-captcha-adapt-pc risk-captcha-adapt">…</body> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action, attempt #4
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action, attempt #5
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #6
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #7
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #8
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #9
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #10
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #11
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attempt #12
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- element is outside of the viewport
- retrying click action, attem
[chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕:
1) [chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: browserContext.waitForEvent: Target page, context or browser has been closed
367 | await button.click()
368 | await content.locator('#bjf-main-menu').waitFor({ state: 'visible' })
> 369 | let popup = context.waitForEvent('page', { predicate: p => p.url().includes('github.com') })
| ^
370 | await content.getByTitle('查看源代码').click()
371 | const p1 = await popup
372 |
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/content.spec.ts:369:25
[chrome-theme] › features/recorder.spec.ts:280:5 › 測試熱鍵截圖:
2) [chrome-theme] › features/recorder.spec.ts:280:5 › 測試熱鍵截圖 ─────────────────────────────────────
TimeoutError: locator.waitFor: Timeout 60000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByText('挂接成功') to be visible
14 | if (isThemeRoom) {
15 | test.slow()
> 16 | await content.getByText('挂接成功').waitFor({
| ^
17 | state: 'visible',
18 | timeout: 60000
19 | })
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/recorder.spec.ts:16:41
[chrome-theme] › features/recorder.spec.ts:325:5 › 測試錄製時長:
3) [chrome-theme] › features/recorder.spec.ts:325:5 › 測試錄製時長 ─────────────────────────────────────
TimeoutError: locator.waitFor: Timeout 60000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByText('挂接成功') to be visible
14 | if (isThemeRoom) {
15 | test.slow()
> 16 | await content.getByText('挂接成功').waitFor({
| ^
17 | state: 'visible',
18 | timeout: 60000
19 | })
at /home/runner/work/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/bilibili-vup-stream-enhancer/tests/features/recorder.spec.ts:16:41
[edge-theme] › content.spec.ts:311:5 › 測試全屏時有否根據設定顯示隱藏浮動按鈕:
1) [edge-theme] › content.spec.ts:311:5 › 測試全屏時有否根據設定顯示隱藏浮動按鈕 ────────────────────────────────────
Test timeout of 120000ms exceeded.
[edge-theme] › content.spec.ts:311:5 › 測試全屏時有否根據設定顯示隱藏浮動按鈕:
1) [edge-theme] › content.spec.ts:311:5 › 測試全屏時有否根據設定顯示隱藏浮動按鈕 ────────────────────────────────────
Error: locator.dblclick: Target page, context or browser has been closed
Call log:
- waiting for locator('#live-player')
- locator resolved to <div id="live-player" class="live-player-mounter h-100">…</div>
- attempting dblclick action
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <img alt="Scan me!" src="…/> from <div class="bili-mini-mask">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying dblclick action, attempt #1
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <img alt="Scan me!" src="…/> from <div class="bili-mini-mask fade-leave-active fade-leave-to">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying dblclick action, attempt #2
- waiting 20ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <img alt="Scan me!" src="…/> from <div class="bili-mini-mask fade-leave-active fade-leave-to">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying dblclick action, attempt #3
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class=""></div> from <div id="jimaku-area">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying dblclick action, attempt #4
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class=""></div> from <div id="jimaku-area">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying dblclick action, attempt #5
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div class=""></div> from <div id="jimaku-area">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying dblclick action, attempt #6
- waiting 500ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling i
test (integrations)
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/cache@v3. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2024-03-07-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node20-instead-of-node16-by-default/
test (units)
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/cache@v3. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2024-03-07-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node20-instead-of-node16-by-default/
Slow Test:
[units] › units/capture.spec.ts#L1
[units] › units/capture.spec.ts took 28.0s
e2e-test (edge)
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/cache@v3. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2024-03-07-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node20-instead-of-node16-by-default/
e2e-test (chrome)
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/cache@v3. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2024-03-07-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node20-instead-of-node16-by-default/
Slow Test:
[chrome] › pages/encoder.spec.ts#L1
[chrome] › pages/encoder.spec.ts took 22.0s
e2e-test (chrome, -theme)
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/cache@v3. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2024-03-07-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node20-instead-of-node16-by-default/
Slow Test:
[theme-setup] › theme.setup.ts#L1
[theme-setup] › theme.setup.ts took 39.1s
e2e-test (edge, -theme)
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: actions/cache@v3. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2024-03-07-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node20-instead-of-node16-by-default/
Slow Test:
[theme-setup] › theme.setup.ts#L1
[theme-setup] › theme.setup.ts took 1.5m
Slow Test:
[edge-theme] › pages/encoder.spec.ts#L1
[edge-theme] › pages/encoder.spec.ts took 21.1s
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[integrations] › integrations/summarizer.spec.ts:69:5 › 测试 @cf/qwen/qwen1.5-1.8b-chat 模型的AI总结结果
1 skipped
7 passed (1.8m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
3 skipped
15 passed (1.8m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[edge] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ──────────────────────────────────────
2 skipped
64 passed (35.8m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
3 flaky
[chrome] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
[chrome] › features/jimaku.spec.ts:463:5 › 測試大海報房間下字幕區塊是否存在 ────────────────────────────────────
[chrome] › features/recorder.spec.ts:101:5 › 測試截圖 ──────────────────────────────────────────────
2 skipped
62 passed (37.1m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
3 flaky
[chrome-theme] › content.spec.ts:363:5 › 測試底部的按鈕 ───────────────────────────────────────────────
[chrome-theme] › features/recorder.spec.ts:280:5 › 測試熱鍵截圖 ──────────────────────────────────────
[chrome-theme] › features/recorder.spec.ts:325:5 › 測試錄製時長 ──────────────────────────────────────
6 skipped
59 passed (33.7m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[edge-theme] › content.spec.ts:311:5 › 測試全屏時有否根據設定顯示隱藏浮動按鈕 ─────────────────────────────────────
6 skipped
61 passed (36.5m)
Produced during runtime
Name | Size | |
10.4 GB |