- San Francisco Bay Area, CA
- Pro
size-limit Public
Forked from ai/size-limitPrevent JS libraries bloat. If you accidentally add a massive dependency, Size Limit will throw an error.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2018 -
nvidia-restock-notifier Public
Notifies you when Nvidia.com restocks
popcode Public
Forked from popcodeorg/popcodeAn HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor for use in the classroom
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2017 -
enzyme-example-jest Public
Forked from vjwilson/enzyme-example-jestExample project with React + Enzyme + Jest
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2016 -
i-am-h Public
Very basic AI that fetches my JSON and displays quotes
backbone-dynamic-form Public
A tiny backbone project that utilizes two JSON and backbone-forms to create a dynamic form.
Respond Public
Forked from scottjehl/RespondA fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 21, 2014 -
ckeditor-rails Public
Forked from tsechingho/ckeditor-railsIntegrate CKEditor javascript library with Rails asset pipeline
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2013 -
Scroll-To Public
Forked from individual11/Scroll-ToJQuery plugin to make animated scrolling easy to setup and use.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 3, 2013 -