An split ergonomic hotswap PCB, based on original Corne made by Foostan. Designed in KiCAD 6.99.
Renders (KiCAD): Revision 1:
Revision 2:
Revision 1:
- Uses the Pro Micro and Nice!Nano.
- Uses Kailh Choc hotswap sockets.
- Split ergo layout (see below).
- Physical BOOT button for getting into bootloader.
- Slide switch to turn on and off Bluetooth mode.
- SSD1306 OLED (128x32) and Nice!View E-ink.
- Bonus: Curved traces and teardrops.
Revision 2:
- Remove some text on silkscreen.
- Added store logo.
- Move OLED/E-ink connector a bit higher.
- Flip the slide switches from bottom PCB to top PCB.
- This revision of the Corne keyboard is totally compatible with the firmware of the classic corne.
Kits and fully built keyboards is available for purchase at