#Shipping-Company ##By: Jakob Erben - 3148826
###Customer :
username: shippingSteven - password: GnomeLachen3
###Employees :
username: shippingSoren - password: HammerPflanze7
username: shippingRasmus - password: HaferDieb14
##Scheduled Tasks
These tasks move the orders along by updating their statuses and
or planning trips.
executed every: 5min
time between printing and planning of the letters is 2,5 min
printRegisteredLetters : changes a letters sttaus from registered to printing planPrintedLetters: plans a trip for all letter printed since the last call of this function
planRegisteredShipments : creates a corresponding trip for a registered shipment
A trip is assigned to an employee with the least amount of assigned undelivered trips.
A Shipment with more than with more than 200 Bundles requires a truck which needs
2 employees to operate, therefore 2 employees are assigned. If one marks the trip as completed it
is completed for both of them.
The only 2 employees currently working for the company are the 2 employees which login-information can bew found above.
##Editing and canceling orders
An order can be edited or canceled while not being delivered, in delivery or canceled.
Sign in --> My Orders --> Details
The corresponding options will be present if editing or canceling is possible.