Envato Update Checker is a library for WordPress theme and plugin developers. When you use this library, it downloads when plugin or theme update is available.
It's just a PHP class and asking for some informations about your plugin while creating an instance.
First of all you need to create a JSON file. This file will contain latest version string of your plugin. Let's say your plugin's name is Hello World and hewo is slug. Your remote JSON file will be like this:
This will tell to library, latest version of the hewo plugin is 1.1.2 . Library will compare it with your installed plugin's version and warns users if any updates available.
Check out my remote file : http://erayalakese.com/envato-update-checker.json
You can use Composer to install it. Composer If you are using Composer to manage dependencies of your WordPress plugins / themes. You can install Envato Update Checker via Composer.
composer require erayalakese/envato-update-checker
composer update
If you don't have any autoloader for your Composer vendors, you should put this to your plugin's index.php file or theme's functions.php file.
Now just creating an instance of Envato_Update_Checker class is enough. Class constructor will do the rest. Constructor needs 5 arguments as parameter.
PLUGINNAME - Name of your plugin. PLUGINSLUG - alphanumerical slug of your plugin. This will used in your remote file. You can use initials of your plugin name, like vcb, dmw, ... PLUGINVERSION - Installed version of your plugin. This version number will compared with your remote file. REMOTEFILE - URL of your remote JSON file. APIKEY - Envato API Key to verify purchases and download files from Envato. Get your APIKEY from here. Click Register new app button and get your API key. I recommend you to get new API KEYs for your every plugins.
Plugin Name: Test Plugin
Plugin URI: http://eray.rocks
Author: Eray Alakese
Version: 1.0.0
Author URI: http://eray.rocks
new erayalakese\Envato_Update_Checker("Test Plugin", "tp", "1.0.0", "http://erayalakese.com/envato-update-checker.json", "XYZ...ABC");
/** Your plugin codes here **/
GPL v2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html