Releases: erachain/Erachain
r6.4.01 Fix huge files
v.6.1.01 Update of period certify of the person's address.
Update date: 14.09.2022
1. Update of period certify of the person's address
You can renew your accounts certify yourself.
2. Rebuild chain locally (-rechain)
Rebuild the chain database. The rebuild is autorun if a new version of the database structure is used in the node.
Ignored in SIMPLE_TEST mode.
java -jar erachain.jar -rechain
v6.0 Saving favorites, loans, multiple payouts, etc.
Update date: 08.07.2022
1. Saving and restoring Favorites
Now, before completely deleting the wallet database or after restoring by seed, you can upload previously saved lists of Favorite entities to the wallet. At the same time, the selected accounts with their names and descriptions will also be saved. Therefore, before deleting the dataWallet folder, do not forget to save your Favorites (Menu —> Wallet)
2. The "My Loans" section has been added
Now in the "Accounts" menu, the "My Loans" tab will show a list of loans. Moreover, in the context menu, when selecting the actions "Give" / "Pick up", the Recipient will be automatically substituted.
3. Multiple Payouts on the list
Now in the Document, you can set Payments according to the List. The list can be downloaded from disk. In each line, the Recipient is specified, the Amount and the Note are separated by a space.
4. Batch transfer of assets (according to the list)
Now it is possible to specify a whole list of assets in the asset transfer transaction. Similar to a bill of lading or invoice. Moreover, in addition to the identifier, the name of the asset and its quantity to be transferred, you can specify:
- Asset for the price — in what terms is the price (ruble, dollar, ERA, etc.)
- Price according to the price list
- Selling price (with discount/ surcharge)
- Percentage of tax
- Absolute value of fees (tax or something else)
- Note
Thus, it is possible to keep all logistics records in the blockchain — transferring asset packages "on hand", "on loan", etc.
5. Multiple commissions
Now there can be a whole list of commissions in one transaction — for example, if the transaction transferred a package of assets with the specified commissions during the transfer.
6. Asset property — protection from anonymous ownership
If you issue an asset with this property, then it cannot be transferred to an anonymous account and it can be exchanged on the exchange only with an asset with the same property. This protects against unauthorized actions — it is impossible to steal such an asset.
v5.6 Forging pool in node, preparation for smart contracts
Update date: 05.10.2021
1. Forging pool in node
Now you can start your own pool for forging, receiving ERA packages for forcing on loan from 3 persons. Rewards are paid out automatically. The pool earns its%. You can also set up minimum payouts.
2. Saving calculation results
If you have created a transaction with accruals (a Document), then you can save the results to disk
3. Preparing the code for protocol smart contracts
Soon there will be smart contracts that will work according to the general conditions inside the blockchain protocol. Thanks to them, it will be possible to program various events and actions, such as games, lotteries, prizes, etc.
v5.5 Issue Series
Update date: 17.08.2021
Added the "Issue Series" function — issue of the NFT Series
Now it is possible to issue whole series of non-fungible tokens (NFT). Moreover, it is possible to specify the original from which the media resource will be taken. In this case, the picture will be used as a "frame" when the Series is released — it will be superimposed on top of the Original image (frame should have a transparent background). For example, you can put a frame or an asterisk on the original video. In this way, you can mark the rarity of the series. Only NFT can be used as the original.
In the series, each asset is issued as a separate unique non-fungible token.
The size of the series is limited — from 5 to 100 pcs.
v5.4 Order modification, mass payment, asset expiration et cetera
Update date: 06.08.2021
1. Added the "Change Order" function
With new function, it has become more convenient and cheaper to change the order price on the exchange. If earlier it was necessary to cancel old and create new orders, now it is enough to click on the order with the right mouse button and select the menu item "Edit". In the blockchain mechanics, this means that instead of two transactions, the user makes one, and saves commission.
2. Mass payment according to the list
A new type of accruals "Mass payment according to the list" has been added to the platform. With just one command, you can make an instant transfer to any number of recipients. To do this, you need to upload a list of accounts (a text file with addresses), select an asset and specify the quantity.
The translation function supports any type of digital object. Spray accounting units, send postcards, documents, etc. One mass payment allows you to cover approximately 100,000 accounts, this amount corresponds to the maximum transaction size.
3. Start-end of the asset
When creating an asset, the user can set the period of its validity. This means that any operations are possible during the set period, but as soon as it expires, the digital entity and manipulations with it will be blocked.
The new parameter increases the reliability of the voting system on the blockchain. After the end of the voting period and the voting assets themselves, no one will be able to change the results, including the creator.
4. Automatic cancellation of orders
If a unique lot is redeemed during the auction, the remaining bids are automatically canceled and the reserved funds are returned to users.
5. Decrypting the Document with a password
Encrypted documents in the blockchain can only be read by the creator and the recipient. But now the user has the opportunity to provide access to the content without sending the document to a third party. To do this, the option of obtaining a password for decryption was introduced. To generate it, select the appropriate menu item by right-clicking on the asset in the "My Documents" list.
For example, using blockchain in healthcare, a patient will be able to provide access to his encrypted card to any medical specialist. The function will also be useful to patent holders. After passing the examination, Rospatent publishes the application in the official bulletin after 18 months. Prior to publication, all information about it is secret. Such a kind of "blind spot" in the patent search. Thanks to th password, a human will be able, without waiting for publication, to confirm that his application exists.
6. Auto-substitutions in Descriptions
Now, if you need to insert a link to a transaction or Entity in the description of an Entity or in a Document, it is enough to write a template:
- for link to the number of record: @@xxxxx-xx, where X are figures. For example, @@21342-4
- for link to the number of asset: @@axxxxx, where X are figures. For example, @@A21342
- Another entities changes only first letters:
- (person) - P
- (status) - S
- (vote) - V
- (imprint) - I
- (template) T
For example, command @@P10534 creates link to Person #10534. Instead of link, name will be displayed.