Brave Browser profiles on linux
Simple script to easily create new brave profiles.
Clone this repo and copy the script somewhere accessible.
You can then rename/copy the script to the profile name required (script filename = profile name).
Optionally you may also want to change the profile_folder
variable (default is $HOME/.brave_profiles
- Easy creation of profiles
- Sandbox Check
- Custom commandline flags
- Detect associated Google Account & alert user
To enable emojis within brave browser you will need to install emoji fonts.
In Archlinux install noto-fonts-emoji
You may want to tweak mouse scrolling speed in Brave (there don't seem to be any built in options to do this currently).
There are a few options to set mouse wheel preferences outisde of Brave.
I personally use imwheel
as it allows me to set scrolling preferences per application.
# Scroll Settings for Brave Browser
None, Up, Button4, 5
None, Down, Button5, 5
Shift_L, Up, Shift_L|Button4, 5
Shift_L, Down, Shift_L|Button5, 5
Control_L, Up, Control_L|Button4
Control_L, Down, Control_L|Button5
- Keep Google services (& logins) seperate
- Testing webapps
- Seperate other services from main profile
- Use differing configurations for services or webapps
After looking at profile data it seems Brave stores a reference to cookies for Google Accounts within the profile preferences file.
I'm not sure if this relates to analytics or is specific to Google related extensions / features.
I have added a check using this to warn users when starting brave profiles. (as I have seperate profiles setup for Google services like Youtube etc)
Twitter: @equilibriumuk