Personal blog powered by eleventy
Deployed at:
This is my own personal blog and shouldn't be used as a starter template or theme.
- postcss integration
- esbuild integration
- image optimization
- syntax highlighting (zero JS output)
- atom feed generation
- sitemap generation
- post feature image
- image attribution link
- post list pagination
- darkmode support (
) - inlined css
- opengraph meta tags
- social media meta tags
- 11ty bundle support
- markdown checklists
- eslint with prettier
- favicon generation
- webmentions
- blog post commenting using mastodon
- esm support (11ty 3.0.x)
- includes
{% image %}
shortcode - automatic optimization in markdown
- Automated
syntax markup with srcset and optional sizes - Includes width/height attributes to avoid content layout shift
- Includes
for native lazy loading without JavaScript - Includes
Post permalinks are generated using title
& date
Resulting in /YYYY/MM/DD/slugify-title
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Source Code: MIT License
Content & Media: Copyright
(You are not permitted to re-use the content publicly or commercially)
based on eleventy-base-blog