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👑 Enable Facility Context

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  • Feature name: Enable Facility Context
  • Feature ID:
  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
  • Milestone:


CC (Construction and Commissioning) has requested enabling the facility context in the project portal to retire existing CC applications in Fusion. These applications, including gardens and certain analytics reports, currently support the facility context, and…

  • Feature name: Enable Facility Context
  • Feature ID:
  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
  • Milestone:


CC (Construction and Commissioning) has requested enabling the facility context in the project portal to retire existing CC applications in Fusion. These applications, including gardens and certain analytics reports, currently support the facility context, and their successors are expected to do the same.


Our goal then must be to create a solution where one can utilize the facility context on the applications available in the project portal.



The application is designed to provide a comprehensive display of fusion applications, tailored to the selected context and context type. By scoping the displayed applications, users can gain a better understanding of the available options.

We aim to design a system that provides users with a streamlined workflow, by offering applications in a sequence or based on the project timeline, and understanding the user's requirements, tasks, and goals within their workflow. Identify the various applications or tools that can assist in completing these tasks.

Questions to consider

  • What do we do with applications not supporting the facility context?
  • We should only display applications supporting the currently selected context. This feature should ty to obtain this.
  • We do not know what context a application supports before it is loaded. We need this information before application load and when menu is loaded.
  • When onboarding facility do we need a landing page for the facility context?


The main goal is to create a solution that allows users to use the facility context in applications within the project portal.

Functionality Overview:

The application is designed to show Fusion applications tailored to the selected context and type. By narrowing down the displayed applications, users can better understand their options.

System Design Objectives:

We aim to design a system that streamlines user workflows by presenting applications in sequence or based on the project timeline. The focus is on understanding user requirements, tasks, and goals within their workflow and identifying various applications or tools to assist in completing tasks.

Handling Applications without Facility Context Support:

The system will only display applications supporting the currently selected context. This feature seeks this information before application load and when loading the menu.

Facility Onboarding:

When onboarding a facility, a dedicated landing page for the facility context will include:

  • Ongoing Projects: Information about projects in progress on the facility.
  • Project Master Contexts: Display of available Project Master Contexts relevant to the facility.
  • Favorites Display: Only showing available favorites for the selected context, disabling other applications.
  • Factory Leadership: Information about the leader of the factory associated with the facility.

Solution Proposals

We have explored two distinct solutions, and their details will be outlined in the following section. Moving forward, we recommend opting for Solution 2. This choice is preferred because it streamlines the user's journey, reduces cognitive load, and enables seamless future expansions.

Solution 1 - Work Surface Expansion

In this solution, we focus on expanding the existing work surface to enhance user interaction with the portal. Users actively choose a work surface / portal view (e.g., Project or Facility), which dictates the context type that is selectable / searchable. The system then provides a list of available applications based on the selected context. The sequence diagram illustrates this process:

    participant user as User
    participant ws as Work Surface
    participant ctx as Context
    participant apps as Apps

    user -->> ws: User selects work surface.
    ws ->> apps: Work surface provides all available applications.
    ws ->> user: Work surface provides the current context type available.
   note over user : User selects Context according <br> to the provided context type 
    user -->> ctx: User selects context.
    apps ->> ctx: Apps available.
   note over ctx : Filter the available apps by the <br> currently selected context.
    ctx ->> user: Return Filtered Application List to user.


In this solution, users actively control the view of the portal by selecting a work surface, representing different context types. Default view could be set by user in settings and administrated globally for first time users.

Here is a simple wire frame showing, the user has selected portal as their view and the search field the reflects the selected view.

Note: images is simple wire-frame, created to only simplify solution concept.

Solution 2 - Context Driven

This solution emphasizes a context-driven approach by incorporating supported context types directly into the onboarded apps. The portal provides users with a list of available applications and context types. Users then select a context, and the system filters the applications accordingly. The sequence diagram outlines this process:

    participant user as User
    participant portal as Portal
    participant apps as Apps

    portal ->> apps: Portal provides all available applications.
    portal ->> user: Portal provides all available context types.
   note over user : User selects Context according <br> to the provided context type 
    user -->> apps: User selects context.
   note over apps : Filter the available apps by the <br> currently selected context.
    apps ->> user: Return Filtered Application List to user.


In this solution, the emphasis is on reducing cognitive load by integrating context types directly into the applications, allowing users to filter applications based on their chosen context.

Note: images is simple wire-frame, created to only simplify solution concept.

The illustration shows that the user can search for any context type and does not have to choose context type before searching.

Solution summary

While Solution 2 demands additional development efforts, we believe it will result in a more robust and maintainable application. As mentioned earlier, it is also expected to deliver an enhanced user experience.

User Story:

Here is a outline of features for both administrators and users in the portal. Administrators have CRUD actions and can assign context types to applications, providing flexibility and effective filtering. Users gain flexibility by selecting multiple context types and can view data from a facility perspective, accessing applications customized to the chosen context, improving their workflow.


  • As an Admin, I want to be able to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) action on portal.
  • As a user I want to be able to select multiple context types in the project portal.


  • As an Admin, I want to be able to utilize different context types.
  • As an Admin, I want to be able to assign context types to applications to allow for filtering.


  • As a user, I want to be able to view the data in my applications from a facility point of view, enabling me to view all projects that are ongoing on the selected facility.
  • As a user, i want to view the available applications for the selected context.

Technical Specifications:



By utilizing the existing code we can refactor / rename work-surface to po

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