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TimeConstant Test added. Does not work for lage differences in time c…
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gunnska committed Jan 12, 2024
1 parent d1cd52c commit 0f56ab3
Showing 2 changed files with 58 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Dynamic/Identification/GainSchedIdentifier.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public GainSchedParameters GainSchedIdentify(UnitDataSet dataSet, FittingSpecs f

// Time constant thresholds
// TODO: Should consider to remove this threshold as this should be the same thresholds as gainSchedThresholds
GSp2.TimeConstantThresholds = GS_TimeConstantThreshold2;
GSp2.TimeConstantThresholds = new double[] { potential_gainthresholds[i]};
GSp2.LinearGainThresholds[0] = potential_gainthresholds[i];

59 changes: 57 additions & 2 deletions TimeSeriesAnalysis.Tests/Tests/GainSchedIdentifyTests.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ public void GainSchedIdentify_ReturnsParametersWithNumberOfLinearGainsNotExceedi

GainSchedParameters correct_gain_sched_parameters = new GainSchedParameters
TimeConstant_s = new double[] { 5, 25 },
TimeConstant_s = new double[] { 3, 10 },
TimeConstantThresholds = new double[] { 3.1 },
LinearGains = new List<double[]> { new double[] { 1 }, new double[] { 2 } },
LinearGains = new List<double[]> { new double[] { 1 }, new double[] { 5 } },
LinearGainThresholds = new double[] { 3.1 },
TimeDelay_s = 0,
Bias = 0
@@ -148,6 +148,61 @@ public void GainSchedIdentify_GainsNotLargerThanTheBiggestPossibleGain()
"The largest gain in the best fitting model cannot exceed the largest gain amplitude of the correct model");


public void GainSchedIdentify_EstimatedTimeConstantsAreCloseToCorrectTimeConstants()
// Arrange
var unitData = new UnitDataSet("test"); /* Create an instance of TimeSeries with test data */
double[] u1 = TimeSeriesCreator.ThreeSteps(N/5, N/3, N/2, N, 0, 1, 2, 3);
double[] u2 = TimeSeriesCreator.ThreeSteps(3*N/5, 2*N/3, 4*N/5, N, 0, 1, 2, 3);
double[] u = u1.Zip(u2, (x, y) => x+y).ToArray();
double[,] U = Array2D<double>.CreateFromList(new List<double[]> { u });
unitData.U = U;
unitData.Times = TimeSeriesCreator.CreateDateStampArray(
new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), timeBase_s, N);

var gainSchedIdentifier = new GainSchedIdentifier();

GainSchedParameters correct_gain_sched_parameters = new GainSchedParameters
TimeConstant_s = new double[] { 3, 10 },
TimeConstantThresholds = new double[] { 3.1 },
LinearGains = new List<double[]> { new double[] { 1 }, new double[] { 5 } },
LinearGainThresholds = new double[] { 3.1 },
TimeDelay_s = 0,
Bias = 0
GainSchedModel correct_model = new GainSchedModel(correct_gain_sched_parameters, "Correct gain sched model");
var correct_plantSim = new PlantSimulator(new List<ISimulatableModel> { correct_model });
var inputData = new TimeSeriesDataSet();
inputData.Add(correct_plantSim.AddExternalSignal(correct_model, SignalType.External_U, (int)INDEX.FIRST), u);
var CorrectisSimulatable = correct_plantSim.Simulate(inputData, out TimeSeriesDataSet CorrectsimData);
SISOTests.CommonAsserts(inputData, CorrectsimData, correct_plantSim);
double[] simY1 = CorrectsimData.GetValues(correct_model.GetID(), SignalType.Output_Y);
unitData.Y_meas = simY1;

Plot.FromList(new List<double[]> {
unitData.U.GetColumn(0) },
new List<string> { "y1=correct_model", "y3=u1" },
"GainSched - Time constant inspection");

// Act
GainSchedParameters best_params = gainSchedIdentifier.GainSchedIdentify(unitData);

// Assert
for (int k = 0; k < correct_gain_sched_parameters.TimeConstant_s.Length; k++)
Assert.That(Math.Pow(best_params.TimeConstant_s[k] - correct_gain_sched_parameters.TimeConstant_s[k], 2), Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(1),
"There are too large differences in the time constant on index " + k.ToString());
// TODO: Additional test cases as needed...

// Helper methods for creating test TimeSeries instances, gain scheduling slices, and other setup tasks...

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