Install all the necessary libraries using
pip install -r requirements.txt
if you encounter problems you may have to update pip first
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
A simple preprocessing class is created to read data from the database (sqlite3 - lightweight disk-based database)
as pandas DF (data frame)
Preprocessing class contains some methods which helps us to form a clean DF, which can be used further for Data Visualization.
It outputs 2 DF
, which can be used further for plotting desired metrics
A comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis for the Wikepedia Stream data with tidy python
using a nice visualization library plotly
For this analysis, I have downloaded as json from Wiki API and converted to csv. (Just a sample data for understanding)
The data contains 73565 rows & 38 columns
of wikipedia API stream data between 17:11 till 18: 13 on Jan 21, 2021
I explored 13 important topics which will be the starting point in understanding the dataset
Refer to Wikipedia_EDA.ipynb
Note :
Since I have used Google Colab for my analysis, if you are using Jupyter Notebook, kindly change the file path parameters.
To stream the wiki edit data using an API, I used SQLite3 to stream all the data into a data base.
For more information about SQLite3, refer SQLite3
I have connected to SQLite DB and stored all json formatted API data in to SQL DB Table (DB = WikiEventStream.db ; TableName = WikiEventStreams)
Two parameters involved to run the script ```
url = from which API-url we run streams. Default
run_time = How much time in minutes to run the Live stream & store our data in SQLite3 DB
(run_time = None (No end time ; Default) or run_time = 5, any int value represent minutes)
python -m StreamWikiSQL
To change any parameters run..
python -m StreamWikiSQL --url -- run_time 5
Personally I prefer plotly visualization tool for all my Data Analysis (or Data Story telling).
So I use Dash, from plotly, which helps us to develop web-based data visualization interfaces by putting together Plotly, React, and Flask.
For more information refer to Dash
For this analysis I made a simple web app,
- which connect the WikiEventStream.db (SQLite3 DB) --> preprocess the data --> plot a simple line graph dynamically (either stored data or live data)
- The line graph will gets updated every 15 minutes of data with a desired time resolution is every minute.
- For this challenge I have plotted dynamically Global Wikipedia language Edits per minute graph direcly from API.
- To use a different metrics just tweek the parameters inside the file,
Run the below code in console,
python -m app
Run Dash App
Dash App plot Results
Consider this as a starting point for app/dashboard dev, I plotted, global languages edit occur in Wikipedia every minute.