Live quiz - https://boisterous-blancmange-5aeb79.netlify.app/
Figma Designs - https://www.figma.com/file/Vzf9swvWBXqygg77au5Rkm/Quizzical-App-(Copy)?type=design&node-id=0-1&t=nn9mg30D5ZsYLmlP-0
Fully responsive React Trivia Quiz app using the Opendb API and created with Hooks UseState and UseEffect.
Designed to match as closely as possible to existing Figma prototypes with additional features eg
- Choose Difficulty
- Choose Category
- Css animations
- Learned how to code to specification and also added some extra features.
- Used Prep to prepare logic for each React component.
- Designed Tests to practice React testing.
- Learned about the use of loaders and added a spinner to enhance the user experience