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ephemient committed Dec 12, 2023
1 parent 85e624f commit bb076d5
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Showing 5 changed files with 128 additions and 136 deletions.
71 changes: 21 additions & 50 deletions hs/src/Day12.hs
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Module: Day12
Description: < Day 12: Hot Springs>
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, LambdaCase, MultiWayIf, OverloadedStrings, TransformListComp, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
module Day12 (part1, part2) where

import Common (readEntire)
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, evalState, execStateT, gets, modify, modify')
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parMap, rseq)
import Data.List (foldl', maximumBy, inits, tails, scanl')
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, insert, lookup)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (all, any, breakOn, count, drop, dropAround, dropEnd, dropWhile, dropWhileEnd, head, index, intercalate, length, lines, null, split, tail, take, unlines, unpack, words)
import qualified Data.Text as T (any, drop, findIndex, index, intercalate, length, lines, split, take, words)
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T (decimal)

choose :: Int -> Int -> Int
n `choose` r = foldl' f 1 $ zip [1..r] [n, n - 1..] where
f k (a, b) | (q, 0) <- (k * b) `divMod` a = q
infix 1 `choose`
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V (drop, generate, sum, take)

solutions :: Text -> [Int] -> Int
solutions s xs = evalState (solutions' s xs) Map.empty where
solutions' (T.dropAround (== '.') -> s) xs = gets (Map.lookup (s, xs)) >>= flip maybe pure do
let m = sum xs
x:xs' = xs
maxRun = maximumBy (comparing T.length) $ T.split (/= '#') s
result <- if
| T.count "#" s > m || m > T.length s - T.count "." s || m + length xs - 1 > T.length s
-> pure 0
| T.null s || null xs -> pure 1
| (leftS, rightS) <- T.breakOn "." s, not $ T.null rightS -> flip execStateT 0 $
[ (leftXs, rightXs)
| (leftXs, rightXs, acc) <- zip3 (inits xs) (tails xs) $ scanl' ((+) . succ) (-1) xs
, then takeWhile by acc <= T.length leftS
] $ \(leftXs, rightXs) -> lift (solutions' leftS leftXs) >>= \case
0 -> pure ()
left -> lift (solutions' rightS rightXs) >>= modify' . (+) . (left *)
| T.all (/= '#') s -> pure $ T.length s - m + 1 `choose` length xs
| T.length maxRun > maximum xs -> pure 0
| not $ T.null maxRun, (leftS, rightS) <- T.breakOn maxRun s -> flip execStateT 0 $
[ (T.dropEnd (dx + 1) leftS, leftXs, T.drop (x' - dx + 1) rightS, rightXs)
| (leftXs, x' : rightXs, acc) <- zip3 (inits xs) (tails xs) $ scanl' ((+) . succ) 0 xs
, dx <- [max 0 $ x' - T.length rightS..x' - T.length maxRun]
, then takeWhile by acc + dx <= T.length leftS
, dx + 1 > T.length leftS || leftS `T.index` (T.length leftS - dx - 1) /= '#'
, x' - dx >= T.length rightS || rightS `T.index` (x' - dx) /= '#'
] $ \(leftS, leftXs, rightS, rightXs) -> lift (solutions' leftS leftXs) >>= \case
0 -> pure ()
left -> lift (solutions' rightS rightXs) >>= modify' . (+) . (left *)
| otherwise -> flip execStateT 0 $ do
when (x == T.length s || s `T.index` x /= '#') $
lift (solutions' (T.drop (x + 1) s) xs') >>= modify' . (+)
when (T.head s /= '#') $ lift (solutions' (T.tail s) xs) >>= modify' . (+)
modify $ Map.insert (s, xs) result
pure result
solutions string (reverse -> run0:runs) =
V.sum . maybe id (V.take . succ) (T.findIndex (== '#') string) $ foldl' f v0 runs where
v0 = V.generate (T.length string) $ \i -> if
| i + run0 > T.length string -> 0
| i /= 0, string `T.index` (i - 1) == '#' -> 0
| T.any (== '.') . T.take run0 $ T.drop i string -> 0
| T.any (== '#') $ T.drop (i + run0) string -> 0
| otherwise -> 1
f v run = V.generate (T.length string) $ \i -> if
| i + run >= T.length string -> 0
| i /= 0, string `T.index` (i - 1) == '#' -> 0
| T.any (== '.') . T.take run $ T.drop i string -> 0
| string `T.index` (i + run) == '#' -> 0
| otherwise -> V.sum .
maybe id (V.take . succ) (T.findIndex (== '#') $ T.drop (i + run + 1) string) $
V.drop (i + run + 1) v

part1 :: Text -> Int
part1 = sum . parMap rseq part1' . T.lines where
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Expand Up @@ -7,33 +7,39 @@ class Day12(input: String) {
lhs to rhs.split(',').map { it.toIntOrNull() ?: return@mapNotNull null }

suspend fun part1(): Long = input.parSum(::calculate)
suspend fun part1(): Long = input.parSum { (string, runs) -> calculate(string, runs).toLong() }

suspend fun part2(): Long = input.parSum { (string, runs) ->
calculate(List(5) { string }.joinToString(",") to List(5) { runs }.flatten())
calculate(List(5) { string }.joinToString(","), List(5) { runs }.flatten()).toLong()

companion object {
private fun calculate(input: Pair<String, List<Int>>): Long {
val memo = mutableMapOf<Pair<String, List<Int>>, Long>()
return DeepRecursiveFunction<Pair<String, List<Int>>, Long> { (string, runs) ->
val trimmed = string.trim('.')
memo.getOrPut(trimmed to runs) {
val m = runs.sum()
when {
trimmed.count { it == '#' } > m ||
m > trimmed.length - trimmed.count { it == '.' } ||
m + runs.size - 1 > trimmed.length
-> 0
trimmed.isEmpty() || runs.isEmpty() -> 1
else -> if (
trimmed.subSequence(1, runs[0]).all { it != '.' } &&
trimmed.getOrNull(runs[0]) != '#'
) { callRecursive(trimmed.drop(runs[0] + 1) to runs.subList(1, runs.size)) } else { 0 } +
if (!trimmed.startsWith('#')) { callRecursive(trimmed.drop(1) to runs) } else { 0 }
private fun calculate(string: String, runs: List<Int>): Int {
val arr = runs.subList(0, runs.lastIndex).asReversed().fold(
IntArray(string.length) { i ->
if (
i + runs.last() > string.length ||
string.getOrElse(i - 1) { '.' } == '#' ||
(i until i + runs.last()).any { string[it] == '.' } ||
(i + runs.last() until string.length).any { string[it] == '#' }
) 0 else 1
) { arr, run ->
IntArray(string.length) { i ->
if (i + run > string.length ||
string.getOrElse(i - 1) { '.' } == '#' ||
(i until (i + run).coerceAtMost(string.length)).any { string[it] == '.' } ||
string.getOrElse(i + run) { '.' } == '#'
) return@IntArray 0
var acc = 0
for (j in i + run + 1 until string.length) {
acc += arr[j]
if (string[j] == '#') break
return arr.take(string.indexOf('#') + 1).sum()
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Day 12: Hot Springs

from functools import cache

???.### 1,1,3
.??..??...?##. 1,1,3
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def _solve(string, runs):
def solve_helper(string, runs):
m = sum(runs)
if (
m < string.count("#")
or m > len(string) - string.count(".")
or m + len(runs) - 1 > len(string)
return 0
if not string or not runs:
return 1
m = 0
if "." not in string[0 : runs[0]] and not string[runs[0] :].startswith("#"):
m += solve_helper(string[runs[0] + 1 :].strip("."), runs[1:])
if not string.startswith("#"):
m += solve_helper(string[1:], runs)
return m

return solve_helper(string.strip("."), runs)
def _solve(string: str, runs: list[int]):
counts = [
i + runs[-1] <= len(string)
and string[i - 1 : i] != "#"
and "." not in string[i : i + runs[-1]]
and "#" not in string[i + runs[-1] :]
for i in range(len(string))
for run in runs[-2::-1]:
counts = [
i + run < len(string)
and string[i - 1 : i] != "#"
and "." not in string[i : i + run]
and "#" not in string[i + run : i + run + 1]
and sum(
i + run + 1 : string.index("#", i + run + 1) + 1
if "#" in string[i + run + 1 :]
else len(string)
for i in range(len(string))
total = sum(counts[: string.index("#") + 1 if "#" in string else len(string)])
return total

def part1(data):
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion rs/benches/
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use aoc2023::{day1, day10, day11, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9};
use aoc2023::{day1, day10, day11, day12, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9};
use criterion::{black_box, Criterion};
use std::env;
use std::fs;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,12 @@ fn aoc2023_bench(c: &mut Criterion) -> io::Result<()> {
g.bench_function("part 2", |b| b.iter(|| day11::part2(black_box(&data))));

let data = get_day_input(12)?;
let mut g = c.benchmark_group("day 12");
g.bench_function("part 1", |b| b.iter(|| day12::part1(black_box(&data))));
g.bench_function("part 2", |b| b.iter(|| day12::part2(black_box(&data))));


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92 changes: 49 additions & 43 deletions rs/src/
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use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Solver<'a> {
memo: HashMap<(&'a str, &'a [usize]), usize>,

impl<'a> Solver<'a> {
fn solve(&mut self, string: &'a str, runs: &'a [usize]) -> usize {
let string = string.trim_matches('.');
if let Some(&result) = self.memo.get(&(string, runs)) {
return result;
let m = runs.iter().sum::<usize>();
let result = if m < string.chars().filter(|&c| c == '#').count()
|| m > string.chars().filter(|&c| c != '.').count()
|| m + runs.len() > string.len() + 1
} else if string.is_empty() || runs.is_empty() {
} else {
let x = runs[0];
(if string[..x].chars().any(|c| c == '.') || string[x..].starts_with('#') {
} else {
self.solve(&string[(x + 1).min(string.len())..], &runs[1..])
}) + if string.starts_with('#') {
} else {
self.solve(&string[1..], runs)
self.memo.insert((string, runs), result);

fn solve<const N: usize>(line: &str) -> Option<usize> {
let (lhs, rhs) = line.split_once(' ')?;
let rhs = rhs
.map(|x| x.parse().ok())
let string = Itertools::intersperse([&lhs; N].into_iter(), &"?")
.flat_map(|s| s.chars())
let runs = [&rhs; N].into_iter().flatten().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let last_run = runs.last()?;
let counts = runs.iter().rev().skip(1).fold(
.map(|i| {
if i + last_run > string.len()
|| i != 0 && string[i - 1] == '#'
|| string[i..i + last_run].iter().any(|&c| c == '.')
|| string[i + last_run..].iter().any(|&c| c == '#')
} else {
|counts, run| {
.map(|i| {
if i + run >= string.len()
|| i != 0 && string[i - 1] == '#'
|| string[i..i + run].iter().any(|&c| c == '.')
|| string[i + run] == '#'
} else {
counts[i + run + 1..]
string[i + run + 1..]
.take_while(|&&c| c != '#')
.map(|(&count, _)| count)
Solver {
memo: HashMap::new(),
&Itertools::intersperse([lhs; N].into_iter(), "?").collect::<String>(),
&[&rhs; N].into_iter().flatten().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
.zip(string.into_iter().take_while(|&c| c != '#').chain(['#']))
.map(|(count, _)| count)

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