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Modular API


  1. General information
  2. Installation and configuration
  3. Policies management
  4. Group management
  5. User management
  6. Audit service
  7. Modules installation
  8. First run
  9. Modular API schema
  10. Project information

1. General information

Modular API is a facade which allows to combine different services controls under one custom API/CLI service. A service is actually module. It includes a Compute part ( Lambda, EC2, EKS, AWS butch), it has an API(any), and this API has a CLI client. For interaction with Modular API you can use Modular CLI or any other suitable for you API-client like Postman, Insomnia, etc. Typically, a service uses the following elements:

  • API: API Gateway, Lambda Function URL, Container exposed, AMQP
  • Authentication: Custom JWT / Cognito
  • Authorization: ABAC
  • CLI: Thin client, descriptor for Modular-API
  • Compute: Lambda, AWS Batch, EKS
  • Runtimes: Python 3.10, Java 17, NodeJS 18.16.0
  • Persistence: AWS DynamoDB, MongoDB Atlas, AWS DocumentDB, AWS RDS, S3

The Modular-API includes interface descriptors(CLI Clients). A descriptor is a file which specifies an entry point to the module. The Click Python library is used to describe the interface. This information is parsed into a specific structure in the Modular-API facade.
After that, the Modular-API puts its own features set atop of the API/module/response:

  • Provides its own unified authentication mechanism.
  • Provides its own unified ABAC. This allows to have multiple services managed in a unified way from a single entry point and with the same permissions settings
  • Provides pre-validation of requests before the request is sent to the Module backend
  • Provides centralized audit, logging and manages the temporary tokens retrieved during the client authentication on module`s backend
  • Has its own database and CLI that is not available from outside.

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2. Installation and Configuration


The installation of Modular-API assumed that you have Python3.10 and pip installed. Use the following links to install the tools in case they are not installed.

Python download page

Pip installation page

NOTE: Due to the best Python practices, it is highly recommended to use virtual environment to protect project against dependency breakage.

Creating Virtual Environments Guide

  • Create a new virtual environment: python -m venv modular_api_venv
  • Activate the virtual environment:
    • On Linux/Mac: source modular_api_venv/bin/activate
    • On Windows: .\modular_api_venv\Scripts\activate
  • Install the current project: pip install . or pip install -e .


The API wrapper requires some configurations. The configuration file is located at modular_api\.env, where the .env.example file also resides. This file contains an example of a basic configuration. The content template is placed below:

MODULAR_API_MODE=saas or onprem

# logs configuration

# mongo db configuration, for onprem/private api mode
  • Basic configuration:
    • MODULAR_API_SECRET_KEY: This is the secret passphrase used to secure JWT passwords. It is also used in policy, group, and user items for hash sum calculation.
    • MODULAR_API_MODE:This parameter determines the mode in which the tool will run. If saas mode is specified, AWS DynamoDB will be used. If onprem mode is specified, MongoDB will be used.
    • MODULAR_API_CALLS_PER_SECOND_LIMIT: This parameter sets the limit on how many requests can be processed per second.
    • MODULAR_API_MIN_CLI_VERSION: This parameter is used to check the Modular-CLI version. If the Modular-CLI version is lower than the value specified in this property, a warning message will be shown to the user.
    • MODULAR_API_ENABLE_PRIVATE_MODE: This parameter determines the mode in which the tool will run. If private mode is specified, MongoDB will be used.
  • Logs configuration:
    • MODULAR_API_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL: This parameter is used to specify the server log level. The messages can be more detailed based on the level set.
    • MODULAR_API_CLI_LOG_LEVEL: This parameter is used to specify the server to CLI log level. The messages can be more detailed based on the level set.
    • MODULAR_API_LOG_PATH: This sets the log storage path. By default, it's %USERPROFILE%\.modular_api\log (the C:\Users\User\.modular_api\log folder in your User directory).
  • MongoDB configuration, for onprem/private api mode:
    • MODULAR_API_MONGO_URI: Provide the MongoDB connection URI.
    • MODULAR_API_MONGO_DATABASE: MongoDB name for specific DB collections.
  • Note: You can just export necessary envs and do not use .env file if you want.

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3. Policies management

Available commands:

  • Add new policy
    modular policy add --policy $POLICY_NAME --policy_path $PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE.JSON
  • Update existing policy
    modular policy update --policy $POLICY_NAME --policy_path $PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE.JSON
  • Delete existing policy
    modular policy delete --policy $POLICY_NAME
  • Describe all policies
    modular policy describe
    • if flag --expand specified, then full description for all policies will be shown. Has no effect and always 'True' if '--policy' parameter passed
    • if parameter --policy specified, then full policy content will be shown

Policy template

    "Effect": <string>'...',
    "Module": <string>'...',
    "Resources": <list> [

Policy rules

  • Deny effect has more priority than Allow.
  • If some command/groups/subgroups/modules are not in user policy(ies) then they will not be available to use

Property "Effect"

  • Required. Possible values: "Allow" or "Deny"

Property "Module" syntax

  • Required.
  • For m3admin root(src) module use "m3admin" name instead of "/"
  • You can use * symbol in "Module" property. This will mean that "Effect" is being applied for all current modules installed in Modular-API
  • Module name is equal to property "mount_point" in "api_module.json" file in each Modular-API module, but use it without first symbol /

Property "Resources", syntax for statements

  • Required and property can not be empty
  • "*" -> apply "Effect" for entire module
  • "$command" -> apply "Effect" for a single command in module
  • "$group:*" -> apply "Effect" for group and it`s commands/subgroups
  • "$group:$command" -> apply "Effect" for a single command in group
  • "$group/$subgroup:*" -> apply "Effect" for subgroup and it`s commands
  • "$group/$subgroup:command" -> apply "Effect" for a single command in subgroup

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4. Group management

Available commands:

  • Add new group with policy
    modular group add --group $GROUP_NAME --policy $POLICY_NAME
    Assuming that policy already created
  • Add new policy to existing group
    modular group add_policy --group $GROUP_NAME --policy $POLICY_NAME
    Assuming that policy and group already exist
  • Delete policy from group
    modular group delete_policy --group $GROUP_NAME --policy $POLICY_NAME
  • Describe group and attached policy(ies)
    modular group describe --group $GROUP_NAME
  • Delete group
    modular group delete --group $GROUP_NAME

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5. User management

Available commands:

  • Add new user
    Assuming that group already created
    modular user add --username $USER_NAME --group $GROUP_NAME
    • if --password passed, then your custom password will be saved for user item.
      If --password parameter not specified then autogenerated password will be provided.
      Please NOTE: there is no mechanism to retrieve it again if it lost, just reset and set a new password.
  • Delete existing user:
    modular user delete --username $USER_NAME
  • Block existing user access without deletion
    modular user block --username $USER_NAME --reason $INFO_WHY_USER_IN_BLACK_LIST
  • Restore blocked user access
    modular user unblock --username $USER_NAME --reason $INFO_WHY_USER_BACK_TO_WHITE_LIST
  • Restore lost password for user
    modular user change_password --username $USER_NAME --password $NEW_PASSWORD
  • Attach group(s) to user
    modular user add_to_group --username $USER_NAME --group $GROUP_1 --group $GROUP_2 ... --group $GROUP_N
  • Remove group(s) from user
    modular user remove_from_group --username $USER_NAME --group $GROUP_1 --group $GROUP_2 ... --group $GROUP_N
  • Describe users information
    modular user describe
    • if --username parameter passed, then particular user will be described

Commands to restrict some parameters values in allowed for user commands:

  • Set parameter name and its value(s)
    modular user set_meta_attribute --username $USER_NAME --key $PARAMETER_FULL_NAME --value $VALUE_1 --value $VALUE_2 ... --value $VALUE_N
    For example: modular user set_meta_attribute --username user --key key1 --value value1 So, user allowed to execute $module_name $command_name --key1 value2, but $module_name $command_name --key1 value1 command is not allowed
  • Update parameter value(s)
    modular user update_meta_attribute --username $USER_NAME --key $PARAMETER_FULL_NAME --value $VALUE_1 --value $VALUE_2 ... --value $VALUE_N
  • Delete parameter name(s)
    modular user delete_meta_attribute --username $USER_NAME --key $PARAMETER_FULL_NAME_1 --key $PARAMETER_FULL_NAME_2 ... --key $PARAMETER_FULL_NAME_N
  • Erase all restricted parameters from user
    modular user reset_meta --username $USER_NAME
  • Describe restricted parameters for user
    modular user get_meta --username $USER_NAME

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6. Audit service

All successful results of modular commands execution will be saved to ModularAudit collection. For describing audit content use command:
modular audit - describes all audit records for the last 7 days from the current date. Also, you can use some filters to expand time range or filter records by group/commands:

  • --from_date : Filter by date from which records are displayed. Format yyyy-mm-dd
  • --to_date : Filter by date until which records are displayed. Format yyyy-mm-dd
  • --group : Filter by group name
  • --command : Filter by command name
  • --limit : Number of records that will be shown. Default value is 10
  • --invalid : Flag to show only invalid audit events

Please NOTE: "describe" like commands are not recorded into ModularAudit

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7. Modules installation

To install new module into Modular-API check the next steps:

  1. Ensure that component installation directory has file api_module.json with the next content:
  "module_name": "$MODULE_NAME",
  "cli_path": "$PATH_TO_CLI_MAIN_GROUP",
  "mount_point": "/$MODULE_NAME" // "/entry point for module"
  1. Ensure that component's file is in the same directory as api_module.json file
  2. Component files that contain commands have the next naming:
    • for group with commands
    • for subgroup commands in group
      "_" symbol in filename means that first part of name is group name, second one - subgroup name
  3. Execute command modular install --module_path $PATH_TO_SETUP.PY Please note: if module to be installed has dependency from other module(s) api_module.json file can be extended with the optional property "dependencies"":
  "dependencies": [
          "module_name": "$MODULE_NAME_DEPENDENT_FROM",
          "min_version": "$MIN_ALLOWED_VERSION_OF_DEPENDED_MODULE"

During installation/uninstallation process all mentioned dependencies will be checked automatically

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8. First run

Check list before start:

  1. .env file properly configured
  2. .env modes:
    • If mode property is saas then AWS DynamoDB will be used as DB. You should set the following environment variables:
      • AWS_REGION
    • If mode property is onprem then AWS MongoDB will be used as DB. You should set the following in .env file:
      • MODULAR_API_MONGO_URI: Provide the MongoDB connection URI.
      • MODULAR_API_MONGO_DATABASE: MongoDB name for specific DB collections.
  3. At least one policy created and attached to the group
  4. User created and group with policy attached to the user
  5. At least one component installed in Modular-API

Navigate to the m3-modular-admin/ directory and run the following commands to start the server (examples):

  • Gunicorn server: modular run --host --port 8086 --prefix /integration --gunicorn --workers 20 --worker_timeout 30 --swagger --swagger_prefix /swagger
  • Bottle server: modular run --host --port 8085 --prefix /integration --swagger --swagger_prefix /swagger
  • modular run --help: Use this command for detailed information.
  • Note: These examples will work as expected in Windows PowerShell and Command Prompt. However, in Bash, the values /integration and /swagger are resolved as file paths. Therefore, you should use //integration and //swagger instead.
Bottle v0.12.25 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

Now you can send requests to Modular-API via Modular-CLI or any other API-client like Postman, Insomnia, etc.

If you use Modular-CLI, please see README file.

If you use another API client (for example, Postman):

  1. Login and get API meta
    Path: Modular-API server http
    Resource: "login"
    Authorization type: "Basic auth" Authorization

For retrieving commands meta pass parameter meta, value is true


  1. Use the API meta to find the desired command and create a new request for command execution
    Path : meta>$module_name>body>$command_name>body>route>path
    Method : meta>$module_name>body>$command_name>body>route>method Authorization : Use Basic auth with the username and password, or Bearer Token with the token from the jwt property in the API meta. Meta

Alternatively, Swagger can be used instead of the API meta: Swagger

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9. Modular API schema



For "User":

  1. Execute command
  2. Check user in DB
  3. Resolve commands available for user or exit if user not found
  4. Get user's group, then get user's policy from group. Check command in policy
  5. Try to execute command or exit
  6. Execution result

For "API admin":

  1. Execute command
  2. Save execution result to ModularAudit collection if execution successful, else exit without saving
  3. Return execution result

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10. Project Information

Source Code: Documentation: Changelog:
Supported Python Version: 3.10


No description, website, or topics provided.



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Contributors 3

