Set of .NET libraries aimed to simplify Confluent.Kafka usage by leveraging best patterns and practices. Also it is a framework for building pub/sub batch processing applications.
- Abstraction to create various kafka related objects with fluent configuration in
. - Options pattern implementation for consumer, producer, client, and schema registry configs.
- Hosted service to read/write data from/to kafka with following features:
- Processing in batches.
- Retry mechanism for batch and for entire pipeline.
- Parallel and sequential processing configuration.
- Health checks.
- System.Diagnostics.Metrics for key operations.
- Delayed start, ability to wait for dependencies (e.g. database migrations).
- Subscribe and internal offsets (default): kafka internal offsets storage. Partition assignment performed by group’s coordinator kafka broker.
- Subscribe and external offsets:
interface implementation for offsets storage. Partition assignment performed by group’s coordinator kafka broker. - Assign and external offsets:
interface implementation for offsets storage. Partition assigmnent based on configuration. - Default implementation for
using EntityFramework (Core and EF6). - Default implementation for subscription that store data using EntityFramework (Core and EF6). Possibility to commit data and offsets in same database transaction.
- Default implementation for subscription that consume data from kafka, then process it, and finally publish result to kafka. In case of kafka internal offsets storage and publishing to same cluster from which data was consumed it is possible to update offsets and publish result in same transaction.
- Default implementation to publish data from EntityFramework (Core and EF6) context.
- Support for transactional producers.
- Dependency injection for Confluent.Kafka consumer, producer, client with named configs and options pattern.
- Open telemetry metrics for low level Confluent.Kafka consumer and producer.
- Read data from Kafka, proccess it using custom handler, store processed offsets in Kafka, use consumer group for rebalance.
- Read data from Kafka, proccess it using custom handler, store processed offsets in DB using Entity Framework Core, optionally use consumer group for rebalance.
- Read data from Kafka, proccess it and save in DB using Entity Framework Core, store processed offsets in DB using Entity Framework Core (optionally commit offsets and processed data in same DB transaction), optionally use consumer group for rebalance.
- Read data from Kafka, proccess it and publish result to kafka. Update kafka internal offsets storage and produce result messages in same transaction.
- Read data from DB using Entity framework core, convert one row to one message, publish message to kafka, and finally update row state in database.
- Read data from DB using Entity framework core, convert one row to multiple messages, publish messages to kafka in single transaction, and finally update row state in database.