Deployment Certifications and Source Traceability
KubeRocketCI container images bear cosign signatures. Refer to the documentation for instructions on verification.
The Rekor UUID's for this release is 108e9186e8c5677a3c430a2daf2daddd4c0d7a6d9969cdb74138d05a2a5fd1b8de93e9a519aeffa9
- attestation and
- signature
v2.21.0 - 2024-10-18
- Add ConfigMap creation for Stage (#78)
- Add new deploy trigger type Auto-stable (#75)
- Add cleanTemplate field to the Stage CR (#66)
- Remove deprecated v1alpha1 versions from the operator (#64)
- Remove CodebaseImageStream if Stage is removed (#60)
- Update Kubernetes version (#66)
- Update KubeRocketCI names and documentation links (#69)
- Update current development version (#58)