FCM -- Simple Firebase FCM Notification class
Implement theese functions
To utilize this class, simply import firebase.php into your project, and require it then make sure that following constants are defined: APP_NAME, FB_API_KEY.
require_once ('firebase.php');
Simple initialization: make sure the following constants are defined APP_NAME FB_API_KEY
initialize with content-type JSON and time to live
$fcm = new FCM(FCM::CONTENT_JSON, 60*60*24*5, null);
// null indicates no collapse key
or with content-type TEXT, time_to_live and collapse key
$fcm = new FCM(FCM::CONTENT_TEXT, 60*60*24*5, 'username');
Send notifications to one registration token
$token = ['ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V'];
$body = "New weather update";
$data = ['temperature'=>'10', 'humidity'=>987];
$fcm->notification($token, $body, $data);
or Send notifications with a different title than the APP_NAME constant value
$token = ['ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V'];
$body = "New application update available";
$title = APP_NAME . ' version'
$fcm->notification($token, $body, null, $title);
or Send notifications with a list of tokens (multiple devices)
// 8 android devices
$token = ['ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V', 'ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V', 'ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V', 'ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V', 'ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V', 'ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V', 'ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V', 'ouvh;novnb:APAp[ijrvkJcLlK0p1U_RZ3-qqpMt6SoaTfsYGDuEBhfL6QpOMQpRGU09tI10xSuSwcIfmqQOvCVfpJMx_0jpovjevn;evetBW2Ro4V'];
$body = "New weather update";
$data = ['temperature'=>'10', 'humidity'=>987];
$fcm->notification($token, $body, $data);
Send notifications to devices subscribed to a certain topic
// null indicates no condition for the topic
$data = ['temperature'=>5, 'humidity'=234]
$fcm->topics('weather', null, 'Lagos State is going to experiance a sunny day tommorow', $data);
or Send filtered topic notifications with conditions
// null indicates no condition for the topic
$data = ['temperature'=>5, 'humidity'=234];
$condition = "'TopicA' in topics && ('TopicB' in topics || 'TopicC' in topics)";
$body = 'Lagos State is going to experiance a sunny day tommorow';
$fcm->topics(null, $condition, $body, $data);
The following functions are void and need to be implemented by you to suit your needs
- FCM::remove_registration_id() This is automatically called when one or more of the provided tokens is now unregistered, therefore it needs to be deleted from your database/storage since its basically of no use. It takes the token as the single parameter
- FCM::update_registration_id() This is automatically called when one or more of the provided tokens has changed to a new one and your records need to be updated. It takes the old token as the first parameter and the new token as the second parameter
$fcm->remove_registration_id($old, $new);