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This repo serves as a companion to our study describing the analysis of early COVID-19 data. We currently feature two different projects: one analyzing the COVID-19 Genome and the other performing virtual screening on the SARS-CoV-2 main protease.
It contains descriptions of workflows and exact versions of all software used. The goals of this study were to:
- Underscore the importance of access to raw data
- Demonstrate that existing community efforts in curation and deployment of biomedical software can reliably support rapid reproducible research during global crises
The analyses have been performed using the Galaxy platform and open source tools from BioConda. Tools were run using XSEDE resources maintained by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), and Indiana University in the U.S., de.NBI and VSC cloud resources on the European side, STFC-IRIS at the Diamond Light Source, and ARDC cloud resources in Australia.