The repository contains explanatory python notebooks about different aspect of image processing.
Lessons 1-12 contains codes/notes taken from the amazing free tutorial on Python OpenCV available on youtube:
- lesson 1: basic operations (read an image, convert to grey scale, blur an iamge, canny method for edge detection, dilation, erosion)
- lesson 2: add figures or text to blank images
- lesson 3: open a video and rescale it
- lesson 4: image translation, rotation, resizing, flipping, cropping
- lesson 5: convert an image to other color spaces
- lesson 6: split an image in its 3 colors
- lesson 7: blurring an image
- lesson 8: apply gradients to an image
- lesson 9: apply thresholding to a greyscale image
- lesson 10: bitwise operations
- lesson 11: apply a mask to an image
- lesson 12: generate histograms for an image
- lesson 1: face detection using haar cascade model
- lesson 2: haar cascade model for detection + train face recognizer for classification
- lesson 3: object detection with yolov7 model
- lesson 4: video object detection with yolov7 model
- lesson 1: feature-based image registration
- lesson 2: LoFTR registration
- lesson 1: Use SamModel to do instance segmentation
- lesson 1: Digit recognition
- lesson 2: Style transfer
You could install requirements for this project with a virtual environment as venv
git clone
cd Python_Image_Processing
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt