PyEZ RIPE Filter Automation, hence PyRIFier-Auto. This is simple Python RIPE database parsing tool that finds all routes for AS or AS-SET and updates JunOS prefix list. Can be useful for cron based tasks to update your filters.
usage: [-h] -t router -l prefix-list [-p port] [-u username] [-k keyfile] [-n as-set] [-d]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t router Target router to connect
-l prefix-list prefix-list name
-p port NETCONF TCP port, default is 830
-u username Remote username
-k keyfile Path to ssh key file, default is ~/.ssh/id_rsa
-n as-set BGP AS or AS-SET to resolve into corresponding routes
-d delete prefix list or clear it before updating with new data if combined with -n option