This repository contains all the API specifications needed to create a FlowBox agent compatible with the global FlowBox network. The specification is released as versioned packages in the release page of the repository.
In time, it will also contain the compatibility test suite.
On each push, the documentation is updated at RTFD
We are using Sphinx to build this documentation. You need git and Python 2.7 installed on your machine. On some Linux distributions, virtualenv and pip are not part of the Python distributions and must also be installed.
On Windows, in a posh console:
git clone [email protected]:enioka/flowbox-spec.git
cd flowbox-spec
virtualenv.exe venv
. ./venv/Scripts/activate
pip install
pip install Sphinx
sphinx-build -b html . target
This will create a "target" directory containing an HTML document for the whole documentation.
cd flowbox-spec
. ./venv/Scripts/activate
sphinx-build -b html . target
Under *nix systems, this can also be run with make:
source ./venv/bin/activate
make html
See... the documentation!