Encointer JavaScript API monorepo
- @encointer/types Encointer type definitions
- @encointer/node-api The Node API
- @encointer/worker-api The Worker API
- @encointer/util utilities to work with Encointer specific data
The worker uses the webcrypto api if it is run in the browser. This library is only
defined if you access the webpage with localhost
in firefox. It is not available
due to browser security policies.
Use the below command to only execute a particular test suite.
Note: The worker tests are skipped by default, as they need a running setup.
// execute worker tests
yarn test --runTestsByPath packages/worker-api/src/integriteeWorker.spec.ts
yarn add @encointer/node-api @encointer/worker-api
There are some more examples in ./node-api/src/e2e.ts
import { EncointerWorker } from '@encointer/worker-api';
import { options } from '@encointer/node-api'
import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api';
import { WsProvider } from '@polkadot/rpc-provider';
communityId = '3LjCHdiNbNLKEtwGtBf6qHGZnfKFyjLu9v3uxVgDL35C';
/// In async function
// connect to Encointer node
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
/// additional types
provider: new WsProvider(nodeAddr)
// Get first worker endpoint from registry
const workerEndpoint = await api.query.substrateeRegistry.enclaveRegistry(1)
// Create worker
const worker = new EncointerWorker(workerEndpoint, { api });
// Get public data from worker
const total = await worker.getTotalIssuance(communityId);
console.log('Total issuance:', total);
const bob = keyring.addFromUri('//Bob', { name: 'Bob default' });
// Query balance from worker
const balance = worker.getBalance(bob, communityId);
console.log('Bob owns:', balance);
// will prompt you to select version to increase, e.g. major, minor, patch etc. (Creates git tag!)
// Note: `lerna version` will use the `version` hook defined in the root package.json.
lerna version --force-publish
// apply changes from package.json to */build/package.json
yarn build
// publish all changes from the build directory to npm
lerna publish from-package --contents build
The lerna commands have been added as scripts to the package.json