The Nuclear Energy Ontology (NEO) is a domain ontology developed under the EMMO framework for the representation of concepts in the field of nuclear energy. It is based on commonly used standardization vocabularies, such as:
- ISO 12749 - Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection
- "Construction Technologies for Nuclear Power Plants", IAEA Nuclear Energy Series, No. NP-T-2.5, IAEA, Vienna (AU), 2011
- IAEA Safety Glossary, Terminology Used in Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, 2018 Edition.
It includes the representation of the Fukushima Daichi accident, based on the official IAEA report: "The Fukushima Daiichi accident - Technical Volume 1: Description and Context of the Accident", IAEA, Vienna (AU), 2015, STI/PUB/1710, ISBN 978–92–0–107015–9
The ontology is still in early development phase and provides only a partial cover of the nuclear engineering domain and Fukushima Daichi accident report.
The work has been performed in the context of the course Digitalization Of Engineering Methodologies And Data M , in the second cycle degree programme in Energy Engineering at the University of Bologna.
- Prof. Emanuele Ghedini
- Ilaria Maria Paponetti (MSc)
- Francesco Antonio Zaccarini (MPhil)
- Anna Anchini (BEng)
- Samuele Baldini (BEng)
- Saverio Quaranta (BEng)
- Dario Rimondini (BEng)
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Italy)