Utility Library to run jobs concurrently at predetermined Intervals
import TinyScheduler.Jobs
import TinyScheduler.SubJobs
import TinyScheduler.Time
import Data.Time
intervalio :: Interval
intervalio = (Minutes 1) + (Secs 20)
jobx :: UTCTime -> Job ()
jobx x = makeJob 1234 4 intervalio x (putStrLn "Hello")
main :: IO ()
main = getCurrentTime >>= (\x ->
execSubJobs . convertJobIntoSubJobs x $ (jobx x)) >>
return ()
In the following, assuming that time starts at 0, jobs are fired at 1 minute 2 seconds, 1 minutes 4 seconds, and 2 minutes 2 seconds and 2 minutes 4 seconds from current time
import TinyScheduler.Jobs
import TinyScheduler.SubJobs
import TinyScheduler.Time
import Data.Time
import Data.Monoid
atom1 :: TimeAtom
atom1 = makeTimeAtom 2 (Minutes 1)
atom2 :: TimeAtom
atom2 = makeTimeAtom 2 (Secs 2)
jobx :: UTCTime -> Job ()
jobx x = timeAtomToJob 1234 (putStrLn "Hello") x (atom1 <> atom2)
main :: IO ()
main = getCurrentTime >>= (\x ->
execSubJobs . convertJobIntoSubJobs x $ (jobx x)) >>
return ()
stack install tiny-scheduler
- Tests
- More documentation
- Haddock documentation
- Complete the example below
go to https://github.com/functor-soup/tiny-simple-scheduler-example