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chlbaron authored Jul 8, 2019
1 parent 76f6830 commit c9f53fb
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Showing 6 changed files with 43,145 additions and 200 deletions.
99 changes: 75 additions & 24 deletions Code_gate_design.R
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@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
source('Functions_GateID.R', echo=TRUE)

##source functions for Gate design
source('Functions_gate_design.R', echo=TRUE)

#_________PART 1: Gate design_________#

##load gateID training dataset (rows= single cells & columns=ClusterID followed by index data in all available channels)
data <-"gateID_training_dataset_test.csv", header = T, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = F))
data <-"GateID_training_dataset.csv", header = T, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = F))
datastart <- 2 #index data start at column 2 since colunm 1 is ClusterID

##define the desired cell type
desired.cluster <- c(1)

##define parameter for gate design
datastart <- 2 ##index data start at column 2 since colunm 1 is ClusterID
desired.cluster <- 1
tgc <-t(combn(seq(datastart,dim(data)[2]), m = 2))
combs <- t(combn(seq(datastart,dim(data)[2], 1), m=2))
bool.desired <- data$ClusterID %in% desired.cluster

##define parameters for gate design
seed <- 23
thresh <- 0.3
nverts <- 4 ##define number of vertices for gates
thresh <- 0.3 #yield threshold
nverts <- 4 #define number of vertices for gates

##create dataframe for GateID results
gate_sol <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 20 , nrow = nrow(tgc)))
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ gate_sol <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 20 , nrow = nrow(tgc)))
##gate_sol contains solutions
for(j in c(1:nrow(tgc))){
gc <- tgc[j,]
gs <- as.vector(t(combs[gc, ]))
gs <- as.vector(t(tgc[gc, ]))
dimensions <- gs
dataset <- data
numgates <- length(gs)/2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,24 +67,75 @@ for(j in c(1:nrow(tgc))){
gate_sol <- gate_sol[rev(order(gate_sol$X4, gate_sol$X3)), ]

##picks the vertex coordinates (16 values) for the best gate combination
##change the rowgate parameter to visualize different gates solutions
rowgate <- 1
rowgate <- 1 #change the rowgate parameter to visualize different gates solutions
bestgate <- as.numeric(gate_sol[rowgate, c(5:ncol(gate_sol))])

###this tells you the start of the coordinates of each gate
numgates <- 2
ji <- seq(1,length(bestgate),length(bestgate)/numgates)

###gate.ori = list of both gate coordinates
nd <- length(bestgate)/numgates
gate.ori <- list()
gate.ori <- lapply(ji, function(y) as.matrix(orderCW(bestgate[y:(y+(nd-1))],4)))
gate.ori <- lapply(gate.ori, function(y) as.matrix(rbind(y, y[1, ])))

####dims = channels in which the gates are designed (refers to the columns of the training which contain clusterID)
gate.ori <- lapply(gate.ori, function(y) as.matrix(rbind(y, y[1, ]))) #contains predicted gate coordinates
h.index <- as.numeric(gate_sol[rowgate, c(1,2)])
channel.comb <- t(combn(seq(datastart,dim(data)[2]), m = 2))
dims <- channel.comb[h.index, ]
dims <- channel.comb[h.index, ] #channels in which the gates are designed (refers to the columns of the training which contain clusterID)
cal.gate.efficacy(trainingdata = data, bool.desired = bool.desired, gates = gate.ori, dims = dims, plot = T, verbose = T) #plot gate and print gate stats

#_________PART 2: Train a machine learning model to perform desired cell type prediction_________#

##create train and test dataset from data
type.clusters.desired <- {list(
c("Other",unique(data[!data[,1] %in% desired.cluster,1]))
oricl.desired <- rename.clusters(data = data, type.clusters = type.clusters.desired,name = T)

train <- (createDataPartition(oricl.desired, p = 0.8))$Resample1
traindata <- data[train, ]
trainclass <- oricl.desired[train]

testdata <- data[-train,]
testclass <- oricl.desired[-train]


##train the random forrest model
control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 10, sampling = "smote", classProbs = TRUE, summaryFunction = multiClassSummary)
final.model <- train(x = traindata[,-1], y = trainclass, method="rf", tuneLength = 5, trControl=control, preProcess = c("center","scale"), metric = "Kappa")
predrf <- predict(final.model, testdata[,-1]) #evaluate model on test data
p <- table(model = predrf, truth = testclass)[1,]
p[1]/(sum(as.matrix(p))) #print model prediction accuracy

#_________PART 4: Load FACS data associated with training dataset_________#

odata.fcs <- read.table("FACS_data_training_dataset.csv", header = T, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = F)
##for your own training dataset, this data will have to be extracted from the fcs file using the extract.presort functions as below

#_________PART 5: Load current FACS data (of new experimental dataset) and perform normalization_________#

xmlfile <- "FACS_configuration_experimental_dataset.xml" #xml of new experimental dataset
fcsfile <- "FACS_data_experimental_dataset.fcs" #fcs file of new experimental dataset (record 10000 events)
presort <- extract.presort(fcsfile = fcsfile, xmlfile = xmlfile, pregates = c("P1", "P2", "P3", "P4")) #extract non-normalized FACS parameters of new experimental dataset (pregates are gate names used to gate live cells)
presort <- presort[,c(2,3,20,5)] #selecting only FACS dimensions for the test dataset - keep all FACS parameters for real experiment
colnames(presort) <- colnames(odata.fcs) #unify colnames for all dataframes (data/odata.fcs/presort)

presort.q <- presort #create presort.q that will be the normalized new experimental dataset
for (i in 1:ncol(odata.fcs)) {
presort.q[,i] = normalize.qspline(x = as.matrix(presort.q[,i]), target = as.matrix(odata.fcs[,i]), verbose = F, min.offset = 0.01)
l = unique(unlist(apply(presort.q, 2, function(x) which(x<0))))
if (length(l) > 0) {
presort <- presort[which(!1:nrow(presort.q) %in% l),]
presort.q <- presort.q[which(!1:nrow(presort.q) %in% l),]
pred <- predict(final.model, presort.q) #perform the normalization
gate.norm <- norm.class(trainingdata = data[,-1], newdata = presort, bool.desired = oricl.desired == "Desired" , = pred == "Desired", gates = gate.ori, dims = dims-1) #normalize the gates

#_________PART 6: Plot gates_________#

# Plot gate and its parameters
cal.gate.efficacy(trainingdata = data, bool.desired = bool.desired, gates = gate.ori, dims = dims, plot = T, verbose = T)
##plot new facs data before and after normalization
plot.norm.gate(prenorm = presort, postnorm = presort.q, pregates = gate.ori, postgates = gate.norm, dims = dims)

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