Adds a simple way of generating emojis to your front-end application. Do you need emojis for a chat application? Maybe you want to convert emoticons to emojis in text? Look no further! Currently supports emojis up to Unicode Version 15.
A zero-dependency library.
Install with npm:
npm install emoji-provider
import { emojiProvider } from 'emoji-provider'
import { emojiProvider } from 'emoji-provider'
const text = 'I love emojis :D <3'
const emojiText = emojiProvider.replaceEmoticonsWithEmojis(text)
// => 'I love emojis 😃 ❤️'
Returns a string array with all supported emojis (currently supports emojis up to Unicode Version 15).
const emojis = getEmojis()
/* => [
'😀', '😃', '😄', '😁', '😆', '😅', '🤣',
'😂', '🙂', '🙃', '😉', '😊', '😇', '🥰',
'😍', '🤩', '😘', '😗', '😚', '😙', '😋',
'😛', '😜', '🤪', '😝', '🤑', '🤗', '🤭',
'🤫', '🤔', '🤐', '🤨', '😐', '😑', '😶',
'😏', '😒', '🙄', '😬', '🤥', '😌', '😔',
'😪', '🤤', '😴', '😷', '🤒', ...
Returns an object array with all supported emojis and corresponding tags (currently supports emojis up to Unicode Version 15).
const emojiObjects = getEmojisAndTags()
/* => [
{ tag: 'happy-face', emoji: '😀' },
{ tag: 'happy-face-with-big-eyes', emoji: '😃' } ,
{ tag: 'happy-face-with-smiling-eyes', emoji: '😄' },
{ tag: 'beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes', emoji: '😁' },
{ tag: 'laughing', emoji: '😆' },
{ tag: 'happy-sweat', emoji: '😅' },
{ tag: 'rolling-on-the-floor-laughing', emoji: '🤣' },
{ tag: 'face-with-tears-of-joy', emoji: '😂' },
{ tag: 'slightly-smiling-face', emoji: '🙂' },
{ tag: 'upside-down-face', emoji: '🙃' },
{ tag: 'winking-face', emoji: '😉' },
{ tag: 'smiley-face', emoji: '😊' },
{ ... }
Returns a string array with emojis of chosen categories.
Allowed input string arguments:
- activity
- animalsAndNature
- flags
- foodAndDrink
- objects
- peopleAndBody
- smileysAndEmotion
- symbols
- travelAndPlaces
OBS! Arguments are case sensitive and need to be exact.
const emojis = getEmojisByCategory('foodAndDrink')
/* => [
'🍇', '🍈', '🍉', '🍊', '🍋', '🍌', '🍍', '🥭',
'🍎', '🍏', '🍐', '🍑', '🍒', '🍓', '🥝', '🍅',
'🥥', '🥑', '🍆', '🥔', '🥕', '🌽', '🌶', '🥒',
'🥬', '🥦', '🥜', '🍞', '🥐', '🥖', '🥨', '🥯',
'🥞', '🧀', '🍖', '🍗', '🥩', '🥓', '🍔', '🍟',
'🍕', '🌭', '🥪', '🌮', '🌯', '🥙', '🥚', '🍳',
'🥘', '🍲', '🥣', '🥗', '🍿', '🧂', '🥫', '🍱',
'🍘', '🍙', '🍚', '🍛', '🍜', '🍝', '🍠', '🍢',
'🍣', '🍤', '🍥', '🍮', '🍡', '🥟', '🥠', '🥡',
'🍦', '🍧', '🍨', '🍩', ...
Returns an object array with emojis and tags of chosen categories.
Allowed input string arguments:
- activity
- animalsAndNature
- flags
- foodAndDrink
- objects
- peopleAndBody
- smileysAndEmotion
- symbols
- travelAndPlaces
OBS! Arguments are case sensitive and need to be exact.
const emojiObjects = getEmojisObjectsByCategory('animalAndNature', 'peopleAndBody')
/* => [
{ tag: 'see-no-evil-monkey', emoji: '🙈' },
{ tag: 'hear-no-evil-monkey', emoji: '🙉' },
{ tag: 'speak-no-evil-monkey', emoji: '🙊' },
{ tag: 'monkey-face', emoji: '🐵' },
{ tag: 'monkey', emoji: '🐒' },
{ tag: 'gorilla', emoji: '🦍' },
{ tag: 'dog-face', emoji: '🐶' },
{ tag: 'dog', emoji: '🐕' },
{ tag: 'poodle', emoji: '🐩' },
{ ... }
{ tag: 'waiving-hand', emoji: '👋' },
{ tag: 'raised-back-of-hand', emoji: '🤚' },
{ tag: 'raised-hand', emoji: '✋' },
{ tag: 'vulcan-salute', emoji: '🖖'},
{ tag: 'ok-hand', emoji: '👌' },
{ tag: 'fingers-crossed', emoji: '🤞' },
{ tag: 'i-love-you-hand-sign', emoji: '🤟' },
{ tag: 'heavy-metal-hand-sign', emoji: '🤘' },
{ tag: 'call-me-hand-sign', emoji: '🤙' },
{ ... }
Returns the emoji as a string.
const emoji = getEmojiByTag(piano)
// => '🎹'
Returns a new string with emoticons replaced with emojis.
const newText = replaceEmoticonsWithEmojis('Hi! :D How Are you? :)')
// => 'Hi! 😃 How Are you? 😊'
Returns an array with emojis matching input.
const emojis = getMatchingEmojis('sad')
// => [ '😢', '😞', '😓', '😿' ]
See for project information and contribution details.