Simple jetty module to allow for Java code compilation and execution in Jetty XML configuration.
Tested with versions jetty 9.3.x - 9.4.x
Simply copy modules and etc contents to your jetty path, and add the following to your start configuration.
This module allows for native Java code to be executed from configuration xml files. You may Call class edu.vt.middleware.jetty.ext.CompilingClassFactory#loadClass anywhere during configuration to compile a Java class.
CompilingClassFactory has two static methods which may be accessed at anytime.
public Class<?> loadClass(final String name, final String source) throws IllegalStateException;
public Class<?> loadClass(final ClassLoader parent, final String name, final String source) throws IllegalStateException;
- @param parent Parent class loader to use after compilation
- @param name Name of the class including package path (i.e:
- @param source Source-code of the class to compile
Example Usage:
<!-- declare class -->
<Call id="hideRootContextClass" class="edu.vt.middleware.jetty.ext.CompilingClassFactory" name="loadClass">
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
* Class intended to hide the root context before deployment is
* configured.
public class HideRootContext
public void hideRootContext(String contextPath)
final DirectoryStream<Path> stream;
try {
stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(contextPath));
} catch (IOException iOException) {
throw new RuntimeException(iOException);
stream.forEach((java.nio.file.Path t) -> {
try {
//Hide root context before deployment
if ("root".equals(t.toFile().getName()) && t.toFile().isDirectory()) {
final Path hiddenFile = t.resolveSibling("." + t.getFileName().toString());
java.nio.file.Files.move(t, hiddenFile);
} catch ( iOException) {
throw new RuntimeException(iOException);
<!-- Get a new instance of class -->
<Ref refid="hideRootContextClass">
<Call id="hideRootContextInstance" name="newInstance"/>
<!-- Call declared method with arguments -->
<Ref refid="hideRootContextInstance">
<Call name="hideRootContext">
<Arg><Property name="jetty.base" default="." />/<Property name="jetty.deploy.monitoredDir" deprecated="jetty.deploy.monitoredDirName" default="webapps"/></Arg>