SmallKanren is an implementation of the miniKanren relational logic programming language for Pharo Smalltalk. miniKanren has found application in a variety of areas including program synthesis, proof assistants, semantic parsing, and rule-based systems. SmallKanren possesses an extensible constraint system, a debugger, tabled relations, and guarded fresh goals.
Note: The following installation method no longer works in current versions of Pharo. SmallKanren and its dependencies must for the moment be installed manually. All dependencies can be found in other repositories on this Github profile (Cons FunctionalDataStructures ABBench Contracts).
Metacello new
baseline: 'SmallKanren';
repository: 'github://emdonahue/SmallKanren';
This guide is intended for those already familiar with miniKanren.
Logic variables in SmallKanren are defined implicitly by the parameters of blocks. The code:
[ :x | x === 1 ] asGoal run. "(1)"
Creates a SmallKanren goal that initializes the logic variable x
and unifies it with 1
, then runs that goal to produce a lazy stream of answers. Each answer represents either the single value that is bound to the query variable, in the case where there is only a single variable, or else a list of the bindings to each query variable. In this case, the list of answers is a one-length list of the value 1
, which is the value the program assigns to x
SmallKanren uses the Cons library for Scheme and Lisp-style pairs and lazy lists:
[ :x | x === (1 cons: 2 cons) ] asGoal run. "((1 2))"
Unifies x
with the list (1 2)
(2 cons
creates the singleton list (2)
and 1 cons:
appends 1
to it).
and |
are the basic logical operators "and" and "or":
[ :x :y | (x === 1) & (y === 2) ] asGoal run. "((1 2))"
Returns the answer representing the simultaneous assignment of 1
to x
and 2
to y
[ :x | (x === 1) | (x === 2) ] asGoal run. "(2 1)"
Returns the list of two answers, the first representing the assignment of x
to 1
, and the second representing the alternative assignment of x
to 2
[ :x | (x === 1) & (x === 2) ] asGoal run force. "()"
Returns the empty list, as there are no possible assignments to x
that satisfy both x = 1
and x = 2
An array notation may be used to more easily express multiple conjunctions or disjunctions.
[ :x :y | {x === 1. y === 2} ] asGoal run. "((1 2))"
Arrays of goals implicitly conjoin the goals with &
[ :x | {x === 1. x === 2} conde ] asGoal run. "(2 1)"
Arrays respond to the conde
message, which disjoins their goals using |
represents a disequality constraint:
[ :x | {x === 1. x =/= 1} ] asGoal run. "()"
There are no satisfying assignments because x
cannot both be 1
and not 1
and isNumbero
assert that a variable is of the relevant type:
[ :x |{x === 1. x isSymbolo} ] asGoal run. "()"
Returns no assignments because x
cannot both be 1
and be a symbol.
fails if a variable is equal to a ground term or if it is a pair that recursively contains a given ground term anywhere in its subterms:
[ :x |{x === (1 cons: 2). x absento: 1} ] asGoal run. "()"
Fails because x
is a pair that contains 1
SmallKanren contains a form specific to itself called "guarded fresh." This form is explained in more detail in this paper. This form combines the fresh and unification operations:
[ :x | x match: #(1 . _) o: [ :cdr | cdr === 2 ] ] asGoal run. "((1 . 2))"
The variable x
is "matched" against (unified with) the pattern #(1 . _)
, which represents the pair of the constant 1
and a fresh logic variable represented by _
, eg (1 . _)
. The newly instantiated logic variable is passed as the :cdr argument to the block, where it is then unified with 2
This form is often more convenient to write than the corresponding fresh block and unification operations, but more importantly it allows the runtime to make a number of important optimizations, and so it is recommended to use this style in general when unifying with a complex term. As described in the paper, however, there are cases where traditional fresh is more efficient, so be sure to test if performance is important.
- Clean up implementation for initial release
- Document the language more completely
- Replace alist-based substitution with Skew Binary Random Access List
SmallKanren is intended to be a fully featured logic programming environment for Pharo Smalltalk, similar to core.logic in the Clojure community (which rests on the same underlying miniKanren language). The current implementation is stable and usable for practical logic programming purposes, albeit it is still under active development. Although not yet documented, several more advanced features such as tabling, debugging, and probabilistic programming are usable in the current implementation as well.