A Lightweight Performance Testing Utility for Pharo Smalltalk.
ABBench is a lightweight utility for conducting performance A/B tests on optimizations made to Pharo Smalltalk code. Rather than attempting to measure the runtime of a given program, ABBench runs two versions of the same program against one another in the same runtime context to determine which is faster. Program versions are created by placing if blocks throughout the code that conditionally execute depending on whether the optimized or unoptimized branch is being tested.
To install ABBench, execute the following code in a playground:
Metacello new
githubUser: 'emdonahue' project: 'ABBench' commitish: 'master' path: '';
baseline: 'ABBench';
To see ABBench in action, print the following in a workspace to benchmark two versus one division operations:
ABBench bench: [ ABBench a: [ 1/1/1 ] b: [ 1/1 ] ].
You should see a message such as "B is 21.12% FASTER than A," although the percentage will vary between runs. This example runs the main ABBench>>bench:
method on a simple code example containing two code paths. One path performs two divisions and the other performs one.
Suppose you want to test whether a change to #myMethod
will improve its performance. At the site where you want to make the change, insert the following code:
ABBench a: [ ...old code...] b: [...optimized code...].
Afterwards, in a Playground, run your program with ABBench>>bench:
by printing the following line:
ABBench bench: [ MyObject new myMethod ].
ABBench will run #myMethod
repeatedly, alternating between the A and B branches until it gathers enough statistical evidence to make a determination as to which branch, if either, is faster.
When code is run outside of the ABBench>>bench:
block, ABBench>>a:b:
switches will default to the B path. It is therefore advisable to develop the optimized branch on the B path so that unit tests will run normally as you develop, even with ABBench>>a:b:
switches scattered throughout the code. If you need to change the default execution path to A to debug your unoptimized code, use ABBench a
You can manually restore execution to the B path with ABBench b
, or it will automatically reset after the next call to ABBench>>bench:
The ABBenchReport object returned by ABBench>>bench:
can also be used within other code via the #bIsFaster
, #bIsSlower
, and #bIsEqual
test methods.
- Enable easy API access to statistical sensitivity parameters
- Create aggregate reports to facilitate performance regression suites
- Integrate inspector vizualization of run times
Contributions welcome!