An awesome GUI framework for Minecraft Forge - a rewrite of Glass Pane
Not yet ready for use.
- Shadowboxes
- Solid
- Texture
- Panorama
- End
- Component rendering
- Component implementations (in progress)
- Box
- Panel
- Label
- Image
- Button
- CheckBox
- RadioButton
- Slider
- TextField
- ProgressBar
- ProgressRing
- ScrollPanel
- Multiple version support
- One-jar
- 1.8.9
- 1.8.8
- 1.8
- 1.7.10
- 1.7.2 (untested)
- 1.6.4?
- Serialized GUI format
- Binary (network)
- XML?
- Test suite
- Pre-made utility screens
- Yes/No dialog
- Okay dialog
- Non-conflicting settings button main menu overlay
- Documentation
- Getting Started (high-level overview and explanation of Laminate concepts)
- Explanations of each component
- Box
- Panel
- ScrollPanel
- Label
- Image
- Button
- CheckBox
- RadioButton
- Slider
- ProgressBar
- ProgressRing
- TextField
- Practical examples
- Inventory
- HUD overlay
- Settings button
- Wishlist
- UI design tool (either external or in-game)
- Focus control
- Allow the server to send GUIs to the client (ala Spout)