libctfso-corrupt-penguin is a bundle of Linux CTF challenges requiring memory corruption to solve.
Works out of the box on my machine, YMMV - PR's welcome.
To use this bundle you should have Vagrant installed along with one of the following hypervisors:
- Virtualbox
- Hyper-V
- Parallels
- libvirt+QEMU
- VMWare Desktop (should work but not tested)
If you know what you're doing and prefer to manage deployment yourself, you can simply run the Ansible playbook on a Ubuntu Xenial amd64 target.
If you are using Parallels or libvirt+QEMU, please ensure you have rsync
installed locally.
If this is your first time using Vagrant with libvirt, please run vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
If this is your first time using Vagrant with Parallels, please run vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
If this is your first time using Vagrant with Hyper-V, please run all commands from an Administrator console. In addition, you will be asked to enter your Windows username/password to enable shared folder support for provisioning.
The following command will download a Ubuntu 16.04 VM template from VagrantHub,
create a new virtual machine for 'libctfso-corrupt-penguin', and build/install
challenges under the /challenges
directory of the VM:
Note: This can take a while the first time you run it depending on your host specs and internet connection.
vagrant up
You can re-provision anytime with:
vagrant provision
You can connect to the virtual machine with:
vagrant ssh
This will login to the virtual machine using the 'vagrant' user account,
which has sudo
privileges so that you can install any additional packages that
you want.
You can stop the virtual machine with:
vagrant halt
And delete the virtual machine with:
vagrant destroy
You should switch to the 'hahn' user account (password = 'hahn') when you are ready to play:
su - hahn
All challenges can be found under the /challenges/
Difficulty estimates are relative to other challenges in this bundle.
Title: shock
Category: Linux Memory Corruption
Flag: libctf{92f414e5-a356-4756-a356-ace57d8c8fbf}
Relative Difficulty: Trivial
Title: sd
Category: Linux Memory Corruption
Flag: libctf{e74f0007-b822-4885-b24d-124e0f173cde}
Relative Difficulty: Easy
Title: bblinus
Category: Linux Memory Corruption
Flag: libctf{b3876765-d30f-46c2-afab-21c43d789a40}
Relative Difficulty: Medium
Title: thenewsh
Category: Linux Memory Corruption
Flag: libctf{bffb4bae-5c2c-4752-8b61-171a1fb78a49}
Relative Difficulty: Trivial
Title: switcheroo
Category: Linux Memory Corruption
Flag: libctf{8329a8c6-b271-400b-991f-26138cfc45e7}
Relative Difficulty: Hard
Title: neoboffy
Category: Linux Memory Corruption
Flag: libctf{fb8e2b47-7724-41b2-9362-10faff1e84bf}
Relative Difficulty: Medium
Title: beatbox
Category: Linux Memory Corruption
Flag: libctf{30d95a92-0ef6-47c3-9dd7-cbb45daa9431}
Relative Difficulty: Medium
Each challenge directory should have everything you need to figure out a plan of attack. If you really want, you can treat this source repository as an oracle by asking it questions like:
hahn@apocalypse:~/libctfso-corrupt-penguin/ansible/roles$ grep -iR 'randomize_va_space' . >/dev/null && true || false
hahn@apocalypse:~/libctfso-corrupt-penguin/ansible/roles$ echo $?
hahn@apocalypse:~/libctfso-corrupt-penguin/ansible/roles$ grep -iR 'idontexist' . >/dev/null && true || false
hahn@apocalypse:~/libctfso-corrupt-penguin/ansible/roles$ echo $?