• Roku Remote Control DEMO: http://rokurc.com
Roku Remote Online - Web Browser based online free Roku TV Remote Control with Power On/Off, Mute, Voume Up/Down, and custom App Buttons
It does not use IR, so you can control the TV in the other room. Utilising External Control Protocol (ECP) https://developer.roku.com/en-ca/docs/developer-program/dev-tools/external-control-api.md
Works in Chrome, Safari, Edge, FireFox.
• LILYGO® TTGO T-Watch 2020 V1 ESP32 Based Roku TV Remote Control (if you want this app modified to work on M5Paper ESP32 4.7" or TTGO T5 4.7" just send me the board)
• ESP32 Proxy Server for Roku TV Remote Control with Network Scanning and Device queryng for all App Buttons
• ESP32 Proxy Server for Roku TV Private Listening