This is an R package containing all of the code necessary to replicate the analyses of Wootton et al. (in review). There are functions that may also be useful to you even if you aren't trying to replicate our work. For example, there are functions to generate random networks using the Cascade Model, Niche Model, and Minimum Potential Niche Model.
This package has a lot of code that is highly specific to a single publication, so it isn't available on CRAN. Fortunately, it's very easy to install a package from github.
This installation can all be done from the R command line. First,
install and load the devtools
Then simply use the install_github
function to install this
package. Other R dependencies will automatically be installed as
well. This may take a while, depending on how long it takes for R to
connect to github, and how many dependencies need to be installed.
Once you install the package, you can access documentation for any of
the functions using ?function_name
, as with any other package. If
you want a pdf of the documentation for all functions, you can find it
in at inst/PredictImportanceDocumentation.pdf
in this
repository. This will be available on your computer wherever the
computer stores R packages. Alternatively, you can navigate to the
file on the github website. Click the file and right click the Raw
button above the file preview. If you then click Save Link As...,
you can save a local copy of the file to your computer.