A Qt-like Javascript frontend framework: widgets, signals and slots.
Programming in frontend javascript like you were doing PyQt!
CuteFront is a frontend framework, featuring:
- Code structured into clearly separated components / widgets that intercom through signals and slots
- No npm package mess or transpiling
- No templating languages, just pure js and html
- Qt's touch'n'feel with widgets, signals and slots
For full documentation, please go here
You should read and understand the documentation before going further.
This repo can also be used as a fullstack scaffold for your projects. It features:
- FastAPI python backend and CuteFront frontend
- Development mode using pure .js and .html only
- Development mode using mock data without a backend
CuteFront widgets can be AI generated using Large Language Models (LLMs), please take a look at the provided preconditioning prompt in here.
Sampsa Riikonen
(c) Sampsa Riikonen 2023