Redis-Compatible, Database-Powered — ACID Transactions, Tiered Storage & SQL-Style Syntax, Built for Real Workloads.
EloqKV is a Redis-compatible database designed for developers who need ACID transactions, tiered storage, and SQL-style syntax — all while keeping Redis' simplicity.
Why Choose EloqKV Over Redis?
Feature | Redis | EloqKV |
Transactions | MULTI/EXEC (No Rollback) |
Distributed Transactions | CROSSSLOT Error |
ACID distributed transactions |
Data Durability | AOF/RDB snapshots | WAL + Tiered Storage |
Scalability | Single-threaded | Multi-threaded (1.6million QPS/node) |
Cold Data | Memory-only | Auto-tiering to disk |
👉 Use Cases: Real-time analytics, financial systems, IoT data streams — anywhere you need Redis’ speed but can’t compromise on reliability.
Besides the standard Redis transaction syntax (MULTI/EXEC), we also support SQL-style interactive transactions.
-- Transfer funds between accounts atomically
GET user:1000:balance -- returns 1000
INCRBY user:1000:balance -500 -- returns ok
INCRBY user:2000:balance +500 -- returns ok
-- Rollback on failure
No more Lua scripts or MULTI
limitations — write transactions like a SQL database.
Cross-node strong consistency without hashtag
-- Example of cross-node transfer
INCRBY user:1000:balance -500 -- node A
HSET order:2000:status "paid" -- node B
- No
Errors:Enables atomic operations across multiple nodes, unlike Redis Cluster which blocks cross-slot transactions.
- Hot Data: In-memory for microsecond access.
- Cold Data: Automatically offloaded to disk.
Save 70% on memory costs compared to Redis.
- Single node: Up to 1.6M QPS (benchmarked on AWS c6g.8xlarge).
- Distributed: Scale horizontally with distributed transactions so that you can still use it as a single node EloqKv.
redis-cli -h eloqkv-server SET key "value" # Works out of the box!
Zero code changes needed. Check out our supported Redis commands.
We recommend using Docker for a quick start with the EloqKV service.
1. Start a Single Node using Docker:
# Create subnet for containers.
docker network create --subnet= eloqnet
docker run -d --net eloqnet --ip -p 6379:6379 --name=eloqkv eloqdata/eloqkv
2. Verify Installation:
redis-cli -h> set hello world
OK> get hello
EloqCtl is the cluster management tool for EloqKV.
To deploy an EloqKV cluster in production, download EloqCtl and follow the deployment guide.
Download the EloqKV tarball from the EloqData website.
Follow the instruction guide to set up and run EloqKV on your local machine.
We recommend using our Docker image with pre-installed dependencies for a quick build and run of EloqKV.
docker pull eloqdata/eloq-build-ubuntu2404:latest
Or, you can manually run the following script to install dependencies on your local machine.
bash scripts/
Fetch the Transaction Service and its dependencies:
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install
cd install
./bin/eloqkv --port=6389
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