🎓 I am Elliot Fayman, a college student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science at California State University - Northridge. While I do not have any particular focus, I am interested in web development, aerospace, and machine learning. I have a passion for learning and more than anything, constantly strive for continuous growth and development.
💻 Web Developer at Student Affairs IT at CSUN. Employ ruby on rails in order to develop and maintain web applications
📡 Cube Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Lead. Created and tuned a closed loop PID controller & Implemented a software end low pass filter for a 6-axis IMU.
🤖 Subsystem Team leader of First robotics team 599 managing a diverse team of electrical, mechanical, and software engineers
✏️ Instructional Student Assistant for a biology based Calculas course. Tutor college students, participate in professional development meetings, and grade student classwork
🏎️ FSAE intern at CSU - Northridge. Implemented data collection and processing software for racing simulation rig
Dean's List Semi Finalist FIRST Robotics: Awarded to two high school students that have demonstrated teamwork, graciousness, cooperation, comradery, and professionalism throughout their community
Love ✔️ | Hate ❌ |
Snowboarding 🏂 | Baking 🍪 |
Amusement Parks 🎢 | Scary Movies 🧟 |
Camping ⛺ | Pears 🍐 |
You can reach me via Email or can find me in the following: