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elijah-tai committed Mar 30, 2017
2 parents e2de46e + 986e7be commit 8d9f35b
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Showing 15 changed files with 914 additions and 73 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ export(getUUID)
Expand Down
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions R/aaa.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# fastCheckFactory.R
# Utility function to create closures for ID validation

.fastCheckFactory <- function(symbols) {
# Creates a closure to be used to validate whether elements of a
# character vector are present in the "symbols" data frame.
# Parameters:
# symbols: a one column dataframe
# Value:
# fCheck: a closure

symbols$symbol[1] # force access

fCheck <- function(x) {
# Checks whether elements of x are present in the "symbols" data
# frame which was loaded into this closure's environment.
# Returns a vector of logicals of the same length as x
if (missing(x) || length(x) == 0) { return(logical()) }




# [END]
248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions R/diffuseV3.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
# diffuseV3.R

#' Diffuse heat in an AGG object by numerical equilibration.
#' \code{diffuseV3} Read an AGG object from an RDS compressed file. Diffuse
#' a small portion q of excess heat across randomly chosen edges if the
#' tail vertex of the directed edge has more "heat" than the head vertex.
#' Repeat for N * |E| steps. Store the total amount of heat flowing across
#' each edge as its "influence".
#' @section Algorithm:
#' Heat diffusion by numerical equilibration simulates the physical heat
#' diffusion process by equilibrating portions of heat difference between
#' adjacent vertices in directed, weighted graphs. The algorithm scales with
#' O(|E|) and requires insignificant extra memory. It is thus well suited for
#' graphs for which the calculation of heat diffusion from Markov chain
#' stationary states via matrix inversion is too costly, as well as for
#' weighted graphs. By default the seed for the random equilibration is taken
#' from Sys.time(), but an explicit random seed can be passed in the parameter
#' list. Heat diffusion is calculated in base R if useRcpp is FALSE, and uses
#' Rcpp code otherwise (not yet implemented).
#' @section Parameters:
#' Typically the heat diffusion process is not run to equilibrium to emphasize
#' the neighbourhood of the "hot" vertices in the graph. Large N and q values
#' both speed up equilibration. Small q allow smooth equilibration without
#' numerical artefacts. Thus q should be as small and N as large as
#' computational resources allow. Setting a seed parameter allows to perform
#' reproducible equilibrations for development purposes. If param is missing,
#' the default is list(N = 100, q = 0.01, seed = as.numeric(Sys.time()),
#' useRcpp = FALSE). If param is set, these default values will be used for
#' any of the parameters that have not been specifed otherwise. ToDo: add
#' benchmarks.
#' @section Heat diffusion step:
#' The amount of heat h that is transported
#' between the two incident vertices of the directed edge e: (t->h), with h_t
#' heat on the tail vertex and h_h heat on the head vertex, is: h <- q * W_e
#' *(h_t - (h_t + h_h)/2) if h_t > h_h, else 0. q [0;1] is the global fraction
#' of heat that is transported and governs the speed with which the graph will
#' equilibrate to a state without heat differences; W_e [0;1] is the "thermal
#' conductivity" of the specific edge. Appropriately scaled influence scores
#' on edges enhance flow across these edges and throttle flow across others. h
#' is subtracted from h_t and added to h_h thus the heat on both nodes
#' asymptotically approaches the average from both sides. At every step the
#' amount of heat that has flowed is added to the "Influence" attribute of the
#' edge.
#' @section Value:
#' The resulting EGG graph is a igraph object, a directed,
#' weighted graph with weights stored as a "Weight" edge attribute, the
#' heat-flux as "Influence" edge-attributes, and the "heat" values as
#' "Score" vertex attributes. Metadata is attached as attributes: "type":
#' "EGG"; "version": "1.0"; and "UUID" a UUID.
#' @section Log file:
#' The filenames and UUID of the source AGG and the resulting EGG are written
#' to the global log-file if writeLog is TRUE. As well, the function call
#' and detailed parameters are written to the log-file. Thus the parameters
#' with which an EGG was equilibrated can be found in the log-file by
#' searching for its UUID.
#' @param fnAGG Filename of an AGG object, saved as RDS.
#' @param fnEGG Filename of an EGG object, to be saved as RDS.
#' @param param list containing N, q, seed, and useRcpp parameters (see Details).
#' @param silent logical. Whether output will be to console will be suppressed.
#' Default FALSE.
#' @param writeLog logical. Whether an event entry for the log file is to be
#' written. Default TRUE.
#' @return N/A. This function is invoked for its side effect of writing a
#' heat-equilibrated EGG graph to the ouput filename in RDS format.
#' ## @family ...
#' ## @seealso ...
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' diffuseV3(IN, OUT)
#' }
#' @export
diffuseV3 <- function(fnAGG,
silent = FALSE,
writeLog = TRUE) {

# ==== PARAMETERS ==========================================================

if (missing(param)) {
param <- list()

# use default values for any missing parameter
if (is.null(param[["N"]])) {
param[["N"]] <-100
if (is.null(param[["q"]])) {
param[["q"]] <- 0.01
if (is.null(param[["seed"]])) {
param[["seed"]] <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
if (is.null(param[["useRcpp"]])) {
param[["useRcpp"]] <- TRUE

N <- param[["N"]]
q <- param[["q"]]
seed <- param[["seed"]]
useRcpp <- param[["useRcpp"]]

# ==== VALIDATIONS =========================================================

# General parameter checks
cR <- character()
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(fnAGG, like = "FILE_E", checkSize = TRUE))
if (is.character(fnEGG)) {
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(dirname(fnEGG), like = "DIR", checkSize = TRUE))
} else {
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(fnEGG, like = "a", checkSize = TRUE))
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(N, like = 1, checkSize = TRUE))
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(q, like = 1, checkSize = TRUE))
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(seed, like = 1, checkSize = TRUE))
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(useRcpp, like = logical(1), checkSize = TRUE))
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(silent, like = logical(1), checkSize = TRUE))
cR <- c(cR, .checkArgs(writeLog, like = logical(1), checkSize = TRUE))

if(length(cR) > 0) {

# Range validations
if (!N > 0) { stop("N must be greater then 0.")}
if (!q >= 0 || !q <= 1 ) {
stop("q must be in the unit interval [0;1].")

# ==== READ AGG ===========================================================

# Read AGG (a weighted directed graph) as an RDS object.
AGG <- readRDS(fnAGG)

# Validate the graph
if (!igraph::is_directed(AGG)) {
stop(sprintf("The input graph read from % is not a directed graph.",

# ==== SETUP DATSTRUCTURES =================================================
# Setup a suitable data structure for edges and vertices.

tmp <- igraph::ends(AGG, igraph::E(AGG), names = FALSE)
eTable <- data.frame(a = tmp[ , 1],
b = tmp[ , 2],
W = igraph::E(AGG)$Weight,
flux = numeric(nrow(tmp)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
vTable <- data.frame(heat = igraph::V(AGG)$Score)

# Validate the weights
if (!all(eTable$W >= 0 & eTable$W <= 1)) {
stop(sprintf("One or more E(AGG)$Weight values %s",
"are not in the unit interval."))

# ==== RUN SIMULATION =================================================

if (!silent) {
cat(sprintf("Beginning equilibration for N * |E| = %d * %d %s.\n",

# Call appropriate heat equilibration function depending on "useRcpp".
if (useRcpp) {
stop("Panic: Rcpp code not yet implemented.")
} else {

EGGdata <- .nonEqSim(vTable,



# reassemble function output to EGG (igraph object)

EGG <- igraph::set_edge_attr(AGG, "Influence", value=EGGdata$eTable$flux)
EGG <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(EGG, "Score", value=EGGdata$vTable$heat)

# attach metadata to EGG object
attr(EGG, "type") <- "EGG"
attr(EGG, "version") <- "1.0"
attr(EGG, "UUID") <- uuid::UUIDgenerate()

# save EGG object in .RDS format
saveRDS(EGG, fnEGG)
if (!silent) {
print(sprintf("Done: Wrote EGG object to file %s.", fnEGG))

# ==== WRITE LOG ===========================================================

if(writeLog) {

myTitle <- "diffuseV3"

# Compile function call record
myCall <- character()
myCall[1] <- "diffuseV3("
# ToDo ... update
myCall[2] <- sprintf("fnAGG = \"%s\", ", fnAGG)
myCall[3] <- sprintf("fnEGG = \"%s\", ", fnEGG)
myCall[4] <- sprintf("param = list(")
myCall[5] <- sprintf("N = %s, ", as.character(N))
myCall[6] <- sprintf("q = %s, ", as.character(q))
myCall[7] <- sprintf("seed = %s, ", as.character(seed))
myCall[8] <- sprintf("useRcpp = %s), ", as.character(useRcpp))
myCall[9] <- sprintf("silent = %s, ", as.character(silent))
myCall[10] <- sprintf("writeLog = %s)", as.character(writeLog))
myCall <- paste0(myCall, collapse = "")

# Record progress information
myNotes <- character()
myNotes <- c(myNotes, sprintf("Read AGG from file: %s", fnAGG))
myNotes <- c(myNotes, sprintf("with UUID: %s", attr(AGG, "UUID")))
myNotes <- c(myNotes, sprintf("wrote EGG to file: %s", fnEGG))
myNotes <- c(myNotes, sprintf("with UUID: %s", attr(EGG, "UUID")))

# send info to log file
logEvent(eventTitle = myTitle,
eventCall = myCall,
notes = myNotes)


# [END]
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions R/isHGNCsymbol.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#' isHGNCsymbol.R
#' Check whether gene symbols given are valid HGNC gene symbols.
#' \code{isHGNCsymbol} Checks whether the elements of the input vector are
#' valid HGNC gene symbols (case insensitive) by comparing to a subset
#' of existing gene symbols.
#' The subset of symbols used here contains only approved gene
#' symbols of the following locus types:
#' * gene with protein product
#' * immunoglobulin gene
#' * protocadherin
#' * T-cell receptor gene
#' * RNA: long non-coding, micro, ribosomal, transfer, small nuclear
#' and nucleolar, Y and vault
#' * endogenous retrovirus
#' This function is a closure that contains the HGNC symbol table in its environment. It is produced as part of the .onLoad() tasks. The supporting table is stored in extdata/HGNCsymbols.RDS. The script that was used to generate this table is in scripts/generateHGNCtable.R.
#' Checking is done in a case-insensitive manner.
#' @param x A character vector
#' @return A vector of logicals of length x that contains TRUE for every
#' element that is present in the HGNC symbol table and FALSE
#' for all others.
#' @examples
#' isHGNCsymbol() # logical()
#' isHGNCsymbol(NULL) # logical()
#' isHGNCsymbol(0) # FALSE
#' isHGNCsymbol("A2M") # TRUE
#' isHGNCsymbol(c("123", "234")) # vectorized
#' isHGNCsymbol(c("A1BG", "a1bg", "a1Bg", "A1bG")) # case insensitive
#' x <- c(NA, "A1CF", NULL, "a1bg") # length preserving:
#' length(x) # 3
#' isHGNCsymbol(x) # FALSE, TRUE, TRUE
#' @export

isHGNCsymbol <- function(x) {
stop("This function must be overwritten by a closure factory in .onLoad()")

tmp <- readRDS(system.file("extdata",

isHGNCsymbol <- .fastCheckFactory(tmp)


# [END]

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