General build upgrades and improvements #21
on: pull_request
Pre-flight Checks
2m 3s
Matrix: Build / gradle
API Check
2m 48s
1m 40s
Gradle Wrapper
1m 47s
Dependency Review
Matrix: Checks / CodeQL
Matrix: Build / gradle
3 errors, 5 warnings, and 1 notice
Checks / Detekt
Path does not exist: build/reports/detekt/detekt.sarif
Build / Build (Ubuntu)
Process completed with exit code 1.
Checks / Dependency Review
Dependency review detected vulnerable packages.
Build / Native CLI (macOS x64)
Failed to generate-and-submit dependency graph. Will continue.
Error: Dependency submission failed for dependency-graph-reports/pr-gradle-macos_x64-macos-13-pkl-climacexecutableamd64.json.
HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration
Please ensure that the 'contents: write' permission is available for the workflow job.
Note that this permission is never available for a 'pull_request' trigger from a repository fork.
Build / Native CLI (macOS aarch64)
Failed to generate-and-submit dependency graph. Will continue.
Error: Dependency submission failed for dependency-graph-reports/pr-gradle-macos_aarch64-macos-13-xlarge-pkl-climacexecutableaarch64.json.
HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration
Please ensure that the 'contents: write' permission is available for the workflow job.
Note that this permission is never available for a 'pull_request' trigger from a repository fork.
Build / Native CLI (Ubuntu)
Failed to generate-and-submit dependency graph. Will continue.
Error: Dependency submission failed for dependency-graph-reports/pr-gradle-ubuntu-strict-ubuntu-latest-pkl-clilinuxexecutableamd64.json.
HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration
Please ensure that the 'contents: write' permission is available for the workflow job.
Note that this permission is never available for a 'pull_request' trigger from a repository fork.
Checks / CodeQL (java-kotlin)
1 issue was detected with this workflow: Please specify an on.push hook to analyze and see code scanning alerts from the default branch on the Security tab.
Checks / CodeQL (java-kotlin)
The "paths"/"paths-ignore" fields of the config only have effect for JavaScript, Python, and Ruby
Build / Build (Ubuntu)
Submitted dependency-graph-reports/pr-gradle-ubuntu-strict-ubuntu-latest.json: The snapshot was accepted, but it is not for the default branch. It will not update dependency results for the repository.