This repository has two projects.
prod_net: Set up a network for a production service automatically by Terraform, e.g. a web service
dev_net: Set up an environment for the cloud development automatically. The entry is a Python program to drive Terraform and others(e.g. Go).
This project builds networks for different Cloud Service Providers based on terraform. Run the projec, then it will generate services:
- A basic Web service
To run this program, please change the terraform.tfvars, e.g.
- Change the key name ohio-demo-keypair to your key pair to ssh
- Change the network CIDRs to fit into your network design
To support HTTPS over AWS ELB, please follow the link below to create certs.
- Then copy the certificate.crt and private.pem to overwrite the cert and the key in this folder
Run the project by:
- terraform plan
- terraform apply
After running this program, you should be able to test the results:
- http://ec2-domain-name or IP address to check the web page
- http://elb-domain-name to check web page
More: is a shell script to install apache2 after a EC2 is launched. is a python script to install apache2 and other softwares automatically after a EC2 is launched.
Network components are created in AWS:
- Subnet
- Route Table
- Internet Gateway
- Security Group
- Network Interface
- Elastic IP
- Ubuntu EC2 Instance
- Elastic Load Balancer
Best security pratices in the project:
- SSH is only allowed from the same IP to run this project
- Hide the key instead of any static key in the project to prevent any key(e.g. AWS keys) to be pushed to github or any public place
This project builds a cloud developement env to build Python and Go Apps. The network is created by the Python code along with the Terraform. For example, if it needs to create a new EC2, cmd_create_aws_ec2 can make it, any of commands below will work:
python3 cmd_create_aws_ec2 --name host_name --ami ami_name --size ec2_size --key key_pair --az az_name
python3 cmd_create_aws_ec2 --name elias-ubuntu --size t2.micro
python3 cmd_create_aws_ec2