Releases: electronicarts/EASTL
Releases · electronicarts/EASTL
3.07.02 Release
- Implemented eastl::variant.
- Implemented eastl::fixed_function.
- Implemented eastl::apply for unpacking tuples into callable arguments.
- Implemented eastl::piecewise_construct constructor overload for eastl::pair.
- Implemented eastl::reference_wrapper.
- Implemented eastl::invoke for pointer-to-member, pointer-to-member-function and eastl::reference_wrapper types.
- Implemented vector::insert updates that return an iterator to the beginning of the inserted range.
- Implemented eastl::tuple_size_v alias.
- Removed non-variadic template code paths in eastl::function.
- Implemented eastl::is_invocable.
- Fixed eastl::common_type<void, void> and updated eastl::common_type to decay result type based on defect #2141
3.07.01 Release
Fixed issue with SSO String unit tests.
3.07.00 Release
- Improved eastl::hashtable related hashtable::DoInsertValue SFINAE mechanism.
- Improved move-only type support in eastl::remove / eastl::remove_if algorithms.
- Deprecated eastl::string::reset_lose_memory due to correctness issues when used with SSO.
- Implemented east::string::detach as a replacement for reset_lost_memory so can handle the SSO case.
- Removed eastl::abstract_string and eastl::abstract_fixed_string. eastl::string_view is the replacement for a string object not templated on an allocator type.
- Removed EmptyString globally exported symbols defined in the string.h file.
3.06.00 Release
- Added SSO or the "short string optimization" support in eastl::string.
- Fixed vector::erase(first, last) to check for empty range to ensure it is a noop (behaviour is mandated by the standard).
- Fixed type_traits header to improve compatibility with Microsoft SAL (Source Annotation Langage).
- Added support for eastl::string to implicitly convert to eastl::string_view.
- Avoided macro expansion of 'max()' in string_view.h in the case where a previously-included file defined it.
3.05.09 Release
- First EASTL release with Xbox One code paths
- Added support for new C++17 attributes.
- deprecated
- fallthrough
- discard
- maybe_unused
- Added SI unit macros for memory sizes. For example: EA_MEGABYTE(42) and EA_MEBIBYTE(42).
- Fixed an issue with "fixed_allocator_with_overflow" causing all allocation requests to be serviced by the overflow allocator instead of using the fixed buffer until its exhausted.
- Improving eastl::sort support for move-only types.
- Fixed a compiler error when the value of an eastl::optional was retrieved as an rvalue reference.
- Fixed EASTL.natvis bug where the wrong type was being used to surface the contents of an rbtree_node.
3.05.08 Release
- Added eastl::not_fn for C++17 conformance.
- Improved eastl::vector by guarding against user types with overloaded address-of operators. This was observed in "eastl::vector>" usage.
- Adding natvis visualizer for eastl::ring_buffer.
- Updated natvis visualizer for eastl::string and eastl::vector.
- VS2013 removed from CI validation.
- VS2013 code paths have not been removed but we are no longer actively testing against that compiler.
- Adding support logical operations conjuction, disjunction, and negation type traits for C++17 conformance.
- Implemented find_as(T, Predicate) for the following vector based containers:
- vector_set
- vector_multiset
- vector_map
- vector_multimap
- Implemented find_as(T, Predicate) for the following vector based containers:
- Adding ARM64 processor support.
- Fixed move copy constructor and move assignment operator for fixed_vector, and added tests.
- Removing eastl::any type checking when RTTI is disabled due to cross dll pointer issues.
- Relaxing restrictions on what the type of the find_by_hash' input parameter can be. Instead of a requirement of a specific type, any type convertible to the underlying type is acceptable.
- Resolved shared_ptr conversion operator= with no return expression.
- Corrected constructor of ref_count_sp to match parameter types of the declaration.
- Removing comments suggesting auto_ptr converstion methods as auto_ptr has been deprecated and removed from the standard.
- Resolved VS2017 Preview 1 compiler warnings.
- Disabled single-argument eastl::pair move-constructor (only GCC due to a bug) that generates an error for lvalue and rvalue overloads.
- Updated EASTL.natvis to support eastl::bitset containers.
- Improved hash_map::operator[] to work with move-only types.
- Fixed the 'u8string_view' typedef to correctly be backed by char8_t.
- Added eastl::string user defined literals, but still disabled globally due to required eastl::string constexpr constructors.
- eastl::integral_constant c++14 updates for value_type constexpr conversion operators.
- Enabled the empty-base class optimization for eastl::string and its fixed sized variants.
- Enabled the empty-base class optimization for eastl::vector and its fixed sized variants.
- Fixes required to enable eastl::string, eastl::string_view and eastl::chrono literals.
- Improving vector::erase_unsorted to support move-only types.
- Improving vector::erase_unsorted to support move-only types.
- Added at() accessor to hash_map class.