Resolved shared_ptr conversion operator= with no return expression.
Corrected constructor of ref_count_sp to match parameter types of the declaration.
Removing comments suggesting auto_ptr converstion methods as auto_ptr has been deprecated and removed from the standard.
Resolved VS2017 Preview 1 compiler warnings.
Disabled single-argument eastl::pair move-constructor (only GCC due to a bug) that generates an error for lvalue and rvalue overloads.
Updated EASTL.natvis to support eastl::bitset containers.
Improved hash_map::operator[] to work with move-only types.
Fixed the 'u8string_view' typedef to correctly be backed by char8_t.
Added eastl::string user defined literals, but still disabled globally due to required eastl::string constexpr constructors.
eastl::integral_constant c++14 updates for value_type constexpr conversion operators.
Enabled the empty-base class optimization for eastl::string and its fixed sized variants.
Enabled the empty-base class optimization for eastl::vector and its fixed sized variants.
Fixes required to enable eastl::string, eastl::string_view and eastl::chrono literals.
Improving vector::erase_unsorted to support move-only types.
Improving vector::erase_unsorted to support move-only types.
Added at() accessor to hash_map class.
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