What's Changed
- resolve #24 - fix delete promotion url by @jbrockmeyer in #46
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #47
- Resolves #4 - Get with resources by @epmkelly in #34
- Resolves #11 - Create HTTP Facade and authenticate by @steve-r-west in #49
- Resolves #14 - Add logging support. by @steve-r-west in #50
- delete by @mahsaelasticpath in #56
- resolves #43 #20 - Add create command with resources by @epmkelly in #48
- fixes for delete by @mahsaelasticpath in #58
- Docs issue#6 by @parisaelasticpath in #52
- Issue 51 Add resource completion by @epmkelly in #63
- Resolves #62 - Add URI Templates for CRUD URLS by @jbrockmeyer in #65
- Resolves #37 - Unit test to validate resource docs links by @jccl in #70
- Resolve #71 - Add currencies resource support by @jbrockmeyer in #72
- Issue 57 update by @mahsaelasticpath in #73
- Resolves #45 by @gauravtripathi1 in #74
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #47
- @parisaelasticpath made their first contribution in #52
- @gauravtripathi1 made their first contribution in #74
Full Changelog: v0.0.0...v0.1.0