This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
## Summary `[email protected]` ⏩ `[email protected]`⚠️ Note: This upgrade contains breaking changes to `EuiFlexGroup` and `EuiFlexGrid`, primarily around switching margins and negative margins to `gap`. Please do a quick QA pass of your app to scan for any issues. We're happy to help resolve minor fixes, or potentially follow up after PR merges. You can find us over in #eui! ## [`70.2.4`]( **Bug fixes** - Fixed visual bug in nested `EuiFlexGroup`s, where the parent `EuiFlexGroup` is responsive but a child `EuiFlexGroup` is not ([#6381](elastic/eui#6381)) ## [`70.2.3`]( **Bug fixes** - Fixed incorrect margins in `EuiSuperDatePicker` caused by `EuiFlex` CSS gap change ([#6380](elastic/eui#6380)) ## [`70.2.2`]( - `EuiButton` now accepts `minWidth={false}` ([#6373](elastic/eui#6373)) **Bug fixes** - `EuiButton` no longer outputs unnecessary inline styles for `minWidth={0}` or `minWidth={false}` ([#6373](elastic/eui#6373)) - `EuiFacetButton` no longer reports type issues when passing props accepted by `EuiButton` ([#6373](elastic/eui#6373)) - Fixed the shadow sizes of `.eui-yScrollWithShadows` and `.eui-xScrollWithShadows` ([#6374](elastic/eui#6374)) ## [`70.2.1`]( **Bug fixes** - Re-fixed `EuiPageSection` not correctly merging `contentProps.css` ([#6365](elastic/eui#6365)) - Fixed `EuiTab` not defaulting to size `m` ([#6366](elastic/eui#6366)) ## [`70.2.0`]( - Added a keyboard shortcuts popover to `EuiDataGrid`'s toolbar. This can be visually hidden via `toolbarVisibility.showKeyboardShortcuts`, but will always remain accessible to keyboard and screen reader users. ([#6036](elastic/eui#6036)) - `EuiScreenReaderOnly`'s `showOnFocus` prop now also shows on focus within its children ([#6036](elastic/eui#6036)) - Added `onFocus` prop callback to `EuiSuperDatePicker` ([#6320](elastic/eui#6320)) **Bug fixes** - Fixed `EuiSelectable` to ensure the full options list is re-displayed when the search bar is controlled and cleared using `searchProps.value` ([#6317](elastic/eui#6317)) - Fixed incorrect padding on `xl`-sized `EuiTabs` ([#6336](elastic/eui#6336)) - Fixed `EuiCard` not correctly merging `css` on its child `icon`s ([#6341](elastic/eui#6341)) - Fixed `EuiCheckableCard` not setting `css` on the correct DOM node ([#6341](elastic/eui#6341)) - Fixed a webkit rendering issue with `EuiModal`s containing `EuiBasicTable`s tall enough to scroll ([#6343](elastic/eui#6343)) - Fixed bug in `to_initials` that truncates custom initials ([#6346](elastic/eui#6346)) - Fix bug in `EuiCard` where layout breaks when `horizontal` and `selectable` are both passed ([#6348](elastic/eui#6348)) ## [`70.1.0`]( - Added the `hint` prop to the `<EuiSearchBar />`. This prop lets the consumer render a hint below the search bar that will be displayed on focus. ([#6319](elastic/eui#6319)) - Added the `hasDragDrop` prop to `EuiPopover`. Use this prop if your popover contains `EuiDragDropContext`. ([#6329](elastic/eui#6329)) **Bug fixes** - Fixed `EuiButton`'s cursor style when the button is disabled ([#6323](elastic/eui#6323)) - Fixed `EuiPageTemplate` not recognizing child `EuiPageSidebar`s/`EuiPageTemplate.Sidebar`s with `css` props ([#6324](elastic/eui#6324)) - Fixed `EuiBetaBadge` to always respect its `anchorProps` values, including when there is no tooltip content ([#6326](elastic/eui#6326)) - Temporarily patched `EuiModal` to not cause scroll-jumping issues on modal open ([#6327](elastic/eui#6327)) - Fixed buggy drag & drop behavior within `EuiDataGrid`'s columns & sorting toolbar popovers ([#6329](elastic/eui#6329)) - Fixed `EuiButton` not correctly passing `textProps` for children inside fragments or i18n components ([#6332](elastic/eui#6332)) - Fixed `EuiButton` not correctly respecting `minWidth={0}` ([#6332](elastic/eui#6332)) **CSS-in-JS conversions** - Converted `EuiTabs` to Emotion ([#6311](elastic/eui#6311)) ## [`70.0.0`]( - Added the `enabled` option to the `<EuiInMemoryTable />` `executeQueryOptions` prop. This option prevents the Query from being executed when controlled by the consumer. ([#6284](elastic/eui#6284)) **Bug fixes** - Fixed `EuiOverlayMask` to set a `[data-relative-to-header=above|below]` attribute to replace the `--aboveHeader` and `--belowHeader` classNames removed in its Emotion conversion ([#6289](elastic/eui#6289)) - Fixed `EuiHeader` CSS using removed `EuiOverlayMask` class modifiers ([#6293](elastic/eui#6293)) - Fixed `EuiToolTip` not respecting reduced motion preferences ([#6295](elastic/eui#6295)) - Fixed a bug with `EuiTour` where passing any `panelProps` would cause the beacon to disappear ([#6298](elastic/eui#6298)) **Breaking changes** - `@emotion/css` is now a required peer dependency, alongside `@emotion/react` ([#6288](elastic/eui#6288)) - `@emotion/cache` is no longer required peer dependency, although your project must still use it if setting custom cache/injection locations ([#6288](elastic/eui#6288)) **CSS-in-JS conversions** - Converted `EuiCode` and `EuiCodeBlock` to Emotion; Removed `euiCodeSyntaxTokens` Sass mixin and `$euiCodeBlockPaddingModifiers`; ([#6263](elastic/eui#6263)) - Converted `EuiResizableContainer` and `EuiResizablePanel` to Emotion ([#6287](elastic/eui#6287)) ## [`69.0.0`]( - Added support for `fullWidth` prop on EuiForm, which will be the default for all rows/controls within ([#6229](elastic/eui#6229)) - Added support for `onResizeStart` and `onResizeEnd` callbacks to `EuiResizableContainer` ([#6236](elastic/eui#6236)) - Added optional case sensitive option matching to `EuiComboBox` with the `isCaseSensitive` prop ([#6268](elastic/eui#6268)) - `EuiFlexItem` now supports `grow={0}` ([#6270](elastic/eui#6270)) - Added the `alignItems` prop to `EuiFlexGrid` ([#6281](elastic/eui#6281)) - Added `filter`, `filterExclude`, `filterIgnore`, `filterInclude`, `indexTemporary`, `infinity`, `sortAscending`, and `sortDescending` glyphs to `EuiIcon` ([#6282](elastic/eui#6282)) **Bug fixes** - Fixed `EuiTextProps` to show the `color` type option `inherit` as default ([#6267](elastic/eui#6267)) - `EuiFlexGroup` now correctly respects `gutterSize` when responsive ([#6270](elastic/eui#6270)) - Fixed the last breadcrumb in `EuiBreadcrumbs`'s `breadcrumbs` array not respecting `truncate` overrides ([#6280](elastic/eui#6280)) **Breaking changes** - `EuiFlexGrid` no longer supports `columns={0}`. Use `EuiFlexGroup` instead for normal flex display ([#6270](elastic/eui#6270)) - `EuiFlexGrid` now uses modern `display: grid` CSS ([#6270](elastic/eui#6270)) - `EuiFlexGroup`, `EuiFlexGrid`, and `EuiFlexItem` now use modern `gap` CSS instead of margins and negative margins ([#6270](elastic/eui#6270)) - `EuiFlexGroup` no longer applies responsive styles to `column` or `columnReverse` directions ([#6270](elastic/eui#6270)) **CSS-in-JS conversions** - Converted `EuiFlexGroup`, `EuiFlexGrid`, and `EuiFlexItem` to Emotion ([#6270](elastic/eui#6270)) ## [`68.0.0`]( - Added `beta` glyph to `EuiIcon` ([#6250](elastic/eui#6250)) - Added `launch` and `spaces` glyphs to `EuiIcon` ([#6260](elastic/eui#6260)) - Added the `fallbackDestination` prop to `EuiSkipLink`, which accepts a string of query selectors to fall back to if the `destinationId` does not have a valid target. Defaults to `main` ([#6261](elastic/eui#6261)) - `EuiSkipLink` is now always an `a` tag to ensure that it is always placed within screen reader link menus. ([#6261](elastic/eui#6261)) **Bug fixes** - Fixed `EuiSuperDatePicker` not correctly merging passed `className`s ([#6253](elastic/eui#6253)) - Fixed `EuiColorStops` not correctly merging in passed `data-test-subj`s, `style`s, or `` ([#6255](elastic/eui#6255)) - Fixed `EuiResizablePanel` incorrectly passing `style` to the wrapper instead of the panel. Use `` to pass styles to the wrapper. ([#6255](elastic/eui#6255)) - Fixed custom `onClick`s passed to `EuiSkipLink` overriding `overrideLinkBehavior` ([#6261](elastic/eui#6261)) **Breaking changes** - Removed `inherit` and `ghost` color from `EuiListGroupItem` ([#6207](elastic/eui#6207)) - Changed default color to `text` instead of `inherit` ([#6207](elastic/eui#6207)) **CSS-in-JS conversions** - Converted `EuiListGroup` and `EuiListGroupItem` to Emotion; Removed `$euiListGroupGutterTypes`, `$euiListGroupItemColorTypes` and `$euiListGroupItemSizeTypes`; ([#6207](elastic/eui#6207)) - Converted `EuiBadgeGroup` to Emotion ([#6258](elastic/eui#6258)) - Converted `EuiBetaBadge` to Emotion ([#6258](elastic/eui#6258)) - Converted `EuiNotificationBadge` to Emotion ([#6258](elastic/eui#6258)) Co-authored-by: Elizabet Oliveira <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Kibana Machine <[email protected]>
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