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Failing test: [MKI][QA][Periodic] Detection Engine - Exception Workflows Integration Tests - Serverless Env - Essentials Tier.x-pack/test/security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/detections_response/detection_engine/exceptions/workflows/basic_license_essentials_tier/create_endpoint_exceptions·ts - Detection Engine - Exception workflows APIs @serverless @serverlessQA @ess create_endpoint_exceptions operating system types (os_types) agent and endpoint should filter 2 operating system types as an "OR" (os_type) if it is set as part of an endpoint exception #159075

Failing test: [MKI][QA][Periodic] Detection Engine - Exception Workflows Integration Tests - Serverless Env - Essentials Tier.x-pack/test/security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/detections_response/detection_engine/exceptions/workflows/basic_license_essentials_tier/create_endpoint_exceptions·ts - Detection Engine - Exception workflows APIs @serverless @serverlessQA @ess create_endpoint_exceptions operating system types (os_types) agent and endpoint should filter 2 operating system types as an "OR" (os_type) if it is set as part of an endpoint exception

Failing test: [MKI][QA][Periodic] Detection Engine - Exception Workflows Integration Tests - Serverless Env - Essentials Tier.x-pack/test/security_solution_api_integration/test_suites/detections_response/detection_engine/exceptions/workflows/basic_license_essentials_tier/create_endpoint_exceptions·ts - Detection Engine - Exception workflows APIs @serverless @serverlessQA @ess create_endpoint_exceptions operating system types (os_types) agent and endpoint should filter 2 operating system types as an "OR" (os_type) if it is set as part of an endpoint exception #159075